Prices were nuts at Woody Auction’s The late Dr. Ernest Rieger Collection sale, March 20, 2014

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

Woody Auction held a sale, The late Dr. Ernest Rieger Collection, on March 20, 2014, with superb results. Bidding throughout the sale was fiercely competitive, with multiple bidders vying for the “fresh meat”. Dr. Rieger had put together a varied and high quality collection and it was put up at auction with no reserves, or estimates, on any item. They were going to sell for whatever the market would bear, and the great results bore out that modus operandi. I tried to buy many items, but was outbid on most everything. But I’m not complaining, as it means the market is healthy.

Fantastic Tiffany Favrile vase, Woody's lot #383

Fantastic Tiffany Favrile vase, Woody’s lot #383

The best prices were achieved by the high quality offerings of Tiffany Favrile glass, French cameo glass and English cameo glass. Top lot of the sale went to Tiffany, with lot #383, a magnificent, very rare, paperweight vase with several wheel-carved insects. It sold for $60,000.

Rare Daum Nancy Rain table lamp, Woody's lot #161

Rare Daum Nancy Rain table lamp, Woody’s lot #161

The top French cameo glass lot of the sale was a rare Daum Nancy Rain scenic table lamp, 13½” tall. It soared to $38,000.

Superb Webb cameo vase, Woody's lot #150

Superb Webb cameo vase, Woody’s lot #150

A beautifully carved English cameo vase by Webb was the top lot of the English glass offerings. It went out the door at $35,000.

For the complete results of the sale, click here.

This internally decorated Burgun & Schverer mini vase is a recent purchase

This internally decorated Burgun & Schverer mini vase is a recent purchase

Remember, the NYC Pier Antique Show will be held this coming weekend, March 29-30, 2014. It’s always fun and exciting, so make your plans to come to the Big Apple. We’ll have our new purchases from our European buying trip for sale at the show.

We'll have this wonderful Amphora portrait vase at the show

We’ll have this wonderful Amphora portrait vase at the show

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps

The NYC Pier Antique Show opens this coming Saturday, March 29, 2014

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.


The NYC Pier Antique Show opens to the public this coming Saturday, March 29th, at 10 AM and continues until Sunday, March 30th, at 6 PM. The show is located at Pier 94, W.55th St. and the Hudson River. Since the show is only two days long, the action happens faster than at longer shows. It’s great for the dealers – two days and the results are in. The show is very diverse with items ranging from vintage clothing, jewelry, collectibles, silver and Asian, to the best French and American art glass and lamps (me!).

There was a big line out the door before opening last year

There was a big line out the door before opening last year

Buyers travel great distances to visit the show from as far away as Japan and Europe. We’ve also sold to Americans from all over the US. Not many shows are worth the trip from almost anywhere, but this one is. My booth is near the entrance, so you can’t miss me. Please stop in and introduce yourself.

Gallé blownout vase -- one of the great new items we'll have at the show.

Gallé blownout vase — one of the great new items we’ll have at the show.

I’m bringing the new items we bought on our European buying trip, as well our great selection of French cameo glass, Tiffany glass and lamps and much more. Make plans to visit the show and play in the Big Apple. We did our part. We just saw Denzel Washington in “A Raisin in the Sun” and it was great!

In front of our booth last year

In front of our booth last year

This Thursday’s blog will be about the great results of the art glass sale at Woody’s Auction this past week and next Monday’s post will report the results of the show.

Click here to view my site and look around. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. I regularly add new items including Tiffany vases and lamps, and French cameo glass by Galle, Daum Nancy, Argy-Rousseau and A. Walter. I always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on my website and at every show.

How sad! The Louvre des Antiquaires in Paris is closing soon.

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

The front entrance to the Louvre des Antiquaires

The front entrance to the Louvre des Antiquaires

An era is passing. The Louvre des Antiquaires in Paris will close sometime this May or June. The handwriting has been on the wall for some time now. Each time we visited, more and more shops were closed. I asked what was going to happen. There was still some hope the center could be saved. One room was filled with a model of the future Louvre des Antiquaires, which was to fill a smaller section of the front of the building. As time passed, the potential faded and now the sad result is confirmed.

Shop after shop is closed

Shop after shop is closed

For those of you who remember, the Louvre des Antiquaires was so successful at one point in its history, new prospective tenants had to pay significant key money ($100,000 – $250,000) to secure a shop. Key money is essentially a bribe (or more diplomatically an incentive) to the present tenant to relinquish the balance of his or her lease to the new tenant. This had nothing to do with the rent, which still had to be paid to the landlord.

One of the few dealers still open

One of the few dealers still open

The concept was so successful that a similar center was opened in New York City on 57th St. It was called Place des Antiquaires, in homage to its French cousin. Unfortunately it wasn’t as successful and closed in 1992, after being open for only a few years. It was replaced by the discount store Daffy’s.

The few remaining dealers in the Louvre des Antiquaires will have to secure independent shops around Paris if they wish to continue in business. I wish them good luck.

This internally decorated Burgun & Schverer mini vase is a recent purchase

This internally decorated Burgun & Schverer mini vase is a recent purchase

The NYC Pier Antique Show is coming very soon, March 29-30, 2014. It’s always fun and exciting, so make your plans to come to the Big Apple. In the meantime, we’re on a European buying trip and have found a few treasures to offer for sale. You’ll be able to see them at the Pier show.

We'll have this wonderful Amphora portrait vase at the show

We’ll have this wonderful Amphora portrait vase at the show

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps

Martin Brothers leads the way at Rago’s 20th Century Decorative Arts Auction, March 1, 2014

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

David Rago held two early 20th Century sales yesterday, March 1, 2014, The Lillian C. Hoffman Collection of American and European Ceramics and 20th Century Decorative Arts Auction. The Martin Brothers were well represented in both sales and did not disappoint. Many of the offerings exceeded their high estimates.

A rare Martin Brothers triple bird, Rago lot #18

A rare Martin Brothers triple bird, Rago lot #18

As expected, lot #18, a rare Martin Brothers triple bird, led the way. It easily trounced its estimate of $30,000 – $40,000, to sell for $112,500, including buyer’s premium. Another triple bird, lot #199, smaller, with no wooden stand, and probably an early re-glaze, sold within its pre-sale estimate, realizing $46,875.

Martin Brother frog tobacco jar, Rago lot #17

Martin Brother frog tobacco jar, Rago lot #17

A wonderful Martin Brothers frog jar, lot #17, also did very well. It nearly quadrupled its pre-sale estimate of $15,000 – $20,000, to sell for $87,500.

A rare Tiffany Favrile blue Jack-in-the-Pulpit vase, Rago lot #435

A rare Tiffany Favrile blue Jack-in-the-Pulpit vase, Rago lot #435

The cover lot of the 20th Century sale, a very rare blue Tiffany Favrile Jack-in-the-Pulpit vase, was the best Tiffany Studios item in the sale. To my surprise, it sold for the low estimate of $50,000 + buyer’s premium, for a total of $62,500. I thought it had a good chance of exceeding its high estimate, but some minor factory flaws may have hurt its result.

For the complete results of the sale, click here.

This internally decorated Burgun & Schverer mini vase is a recent purchase

This internally decorated Burgun & Schverer mini vase is a recent purchase

We have about three weeks until our next show, the NYC Pier Antique Show, March 29-30, 2014. That’s always fun and exciting, so make your plans to come to the Big Apple. In the meantime, we’ll be on a European buying trip looking for more treasures to offer for sale. You know we’ll come back with some exciting items, which we’ll exhibit at the show.

We'll have this wonderful Amphora portrait vase at the show

We’ll have this wonderful Amphora portrait vase at the show

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps

The results of the Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show, February 15-18, 2014

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

Preview night in front of our booth

Preview night in front of our booth

The Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show ended yesterday, after a four-day run from February 15-18, 2014. The preview party was held on Friday night and unfortunately we had to suffer through it. Attendance was moderate, with some interested clients, but no sales. What else is new? Apparently all the A-list Palm Beachers were at another party — the Heart Ball at The Breakers. Oops!

There were times when it was busy in our booth

There were times when it was busy in our booth

Personally we had a very good show, better than our other two Florida shows, but with its own unique set of highs and lows. Set-up was very aggravating as we had no electricity for most of the time. Repeated attempts to have our electricity hooked up only resulted in increased frustration, even though we had properly placed our electrical order well in advance of the show. Then we had a client purchase a Tiffany lamp on Monday, only to call on Tuesday to cancel the sale. Ugh!! But even with these foibles, we’re very pleased. We sold fewer items than in Miami Beach, but better items, so total sales were up.


Attendance was down from last year, through no fault of the promoter. When do you see billboards on the side of the road announcing an antique show? When do you see full page ads in newspapers? The Palm Beach Show Group knows how to promote a show. Other promoters could take a few lessons from them. Lower attendance did not hurt our show, as the right people showed up. My guess is that many people were stuck up north because of the severe weather. Jeffrey Purtell, the well-known Steuben dealer, paid for a booth at the show and couldn’t make it. He got stuck in New Jersey on the way down. Sorry, Jeff, I feel bad for you. If you read my blog, you’ll remember that we almost got stuck up north four years ago during a nor’easter, but did manage to make it to the show. (Click here if you want to read about that adventure.)

This great Argy-Rousseau Poppy vase is a recent purchase

This great Argy-Rousseau Poppy vase is a recent purchase

As you read this, we’re racing up to Asheville, NC for the wonderful Grove Park Inn Arts & Crafts Conference this coming weekend, February 21 – 23, 2014. We last exhibited there a few years ago and couldn’t exhibit again because of scheduling conflicts. This year there were no conflicts, so we’re happy to return.

We'll have this wonderful Amphora portrait vase at the show

We’ll have this wonderful Amphora portrait vase at the show

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps

Setting up at the Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show, February 13-14, 2014

This is what our booth looks like during setup

This is what our booth looks like during setup

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday. My next post will be on Wednesday, not Monday, to coincide with the end of the Palm Beach show.

Cohen & Cohen have a beautiful display

Cohen & Cohen have a beautiful display

We’re in the process of setting up the Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show. The show is gorgeous, with unbelievable displays, white carpeting, flowers and no overhead lights — great for a lamp dealer like me. The public will love what they see. There are important dealers here, who exhibit at very few shows each year.

Daniel's Antiques has a wonderful, unusual display

Daniel’s Antiques has a wonderful, unusual display

The preview party is tonight. I’m looking forward to it. (NOT!) It’s rare that I make a sale at a preview party and it’s my belief that preview parties steal the thunder from opening day. But there’s no convincing show promoters that they don’t accomplish much, if anything, so I’ll just keep bitching on my blog. I’ll report next Wednesday on the results of the show and the preview party. Wish me luck!

A.B. Levy has a beautiful booth

A.B. Levy has a beautiful booth

It’s not too late to visit the show, as it ends next Tuesday. It’s a great show, worth a drive or a flight from anywhere. Did I mention the temperature is forecast to be 75° to 80° for the next 10 days? Please introduce yourself to me when you arrive.

We'll have this wonderful Amphora portrait vase at the show

We’ll have this wonderful Amphora portrait vase at the show

After the show, we’ll leave Palm Beach quickly and head to Asheville, NC for the wonderful Grove Park Inn Arts & Crafts Conference, February 21 – 23, 2014. We last exhibited there a few years ago and couldn’t exhibit again because of scheduling conflicts. This year there were no conflicts, so we’re happy to return.

This great Argy-Rousseau Poppy vase is a recent purchase

This great Argy-Rousseau Poppy vase is a recent purchase

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps

The Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show begins this Saturday, February 15, 2014

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday. My next post will be this Friday during set-up at the Palm Beach show (up by noon). The following post will be next Wednesday, not Monday, to coincide with the end of the Palm Beach show.

In front of our booth

In front of our booth

The Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show opens to the public this Saturday, February 15, 2014, at 11 AM, and continues until Tuesday, February 18, 2014, at 6 PM. Prior to the Saturday opening, there will be a preview party on Friday evening — boy, oh, boy! My favorite! Does the sarcasm come through in print? :>(

The aisles were jammed

The aisles were jammed

This is the one show of the year that reminds me of shows from 25 years ago. Attendance is unbelievable, with packed aisles. Unfortunately for the dealers, many of the people are just there for a good time, and a good time it is! The quality of the items on display in Palm Beach is always spectacular, with the best dealers from all over the world. And it’s better than a museum, because you can touch the items and get answers from experts. It’s no wonder that so many people enjoy attending a good antique show with no intention of purchasing anything.

M.S. Rau of New Orleans will be one of the high end dealers at the show

M.S. Rau of New Orleans will be one of the high end dealers at the show

The public needs to realize that there would be no show if everyone were just looking. An antique show is a business, the same as any other business. Those businesses that don’t turn a profit fail. It’s really amazing to me how many people don’t understand that. I’ve been asked the following question more than a few times. “Are these items for sale?” Yes, they are, and I’d love for you to purchase one of them!

You have a promise from me. If you visit the show, you will not be disappointed! It’s a great show, worth a drive or a flight from anywhere. Did I mention the temperature is forecast to be 75° to 80° for the next 10 days? Please introduce yourself to me when you arrive.

We'll have this wonderful Amphora portrait vase at the show

We’ll have this wonderful Amphora portrait vase at the show

After the show, we’ll leave Palm Beach quickly and head to Asheville, NC for the wonderful Grove Park Inn Arts & Crafts Conference, February 21 – 23, 2014. We last exhibited there a few years ago and couldn’t exhibit again because of scheduling conflicts. This year there were no conflicts, so we’re happy to return.

This great Argy-Rousseau Poppy vase is a recent purchase

This great Argy-Rousseau Poppy vase is a recent purchase

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps

The results of the Original Miami Beach Antique Show, January 30 – February 3, 2014

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday. There will be no Thursday post this week because this post was published on Tuesday.

There was a good crowd on line at the opening on Thursday

There was a good crowd on line at the opening on Thursday

The Original Miami Beach Antique Show ended yesterday, after a five-day run from January 30 – February 3, 2014. Opening day attendance was up 20% over last year and overall attendance improved.

We sold this important Daum blackbird vase at the show

We sold this important Daum blackbird vase at the show

Personally our show was mediocre, compared to last year. We sold plenty of items, but the average selling price was down, resulting in lower gross sales. Of all of our categories, French glass sold best.

Some of the beautiful Tiffany and Pairpoint lamps for sale in our booth

Some of the beautiful Tiffany and Pairpoint lamps for sale in our booth

In asking around, I got the following comments from dealers. “Much better than last year” from a southern dealer in general antiques; “As good or better than last year” from a dealer in Asian antiques; “I’m very pleased” from a dealer specializing in Austrian Art Nouveau and Deco; from a dealer in 19th Century decorative arts “7 on a 1-10 scale, but happy with what we did”; from a California decorative arts dealer, “Business was brisk, but off 20% from last year. It’s still twice as good as any California show.”; a perfume bottle and Art Deco dealer commented “Just OK. I’m seriously thinking of not coming back next year.”; from a dealer in painted lamps “OK. Not a bang-up show”; “Not over the top, but OK” was the comment from a dealer in minerals and Lalique glass; “I had a good show, better than last year” from a dealer in silver; and finally “Better than last year” from an Argentine decorative arts dealer.

Next year’s show will start on a Saturday and run through Wednesday. Not sure why, but that’s what’s planned as of now. The show will close at 10 PM on opening day, instead of the usual 8 PM, to give religious Jewish vendors a chance to sell on Saturday after the Sabbath ends. The new days and hours will be strange, but I don’t think they will hurt business. The following year, 2016, the show returns to the normal Thursday opening.

We'll have this great Daum scenic blownout vase at the Palm Beach show

We’ll have this great Daum scenic blownout vase at the Palm Beach show

We’re off to the Naples area for a few days of R&R before we get to Palm Beach for the Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show, starting on February 15. While we’re in Naples, we’ll check out the Naples Art, Antique and Jewelry Show. If we like what we see, we’ll exhibit there next year. We’ll end our southern swing with the wonderful Grove Park Inn Arts & Crafts Conference, February 21 – 23, 2014. We last exhibited there a few years ago but couldn’t exhibit again because of scheduling conflicts. This year there were no conflicts, so we’re happy to return.

Andre Gisson painting with rare balloon subject matter

Andre Gisson painting with rare balloon subject matter

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps

Setting up at the Original Miami Beach Antique Show, January 28-29, 2014

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday. Tune in next Tuesday for the results of the Original Miami Beach Antique Show. There will be no Monday blog because the show ends on Monday.

This huge boom barely fits down the aisle

This huge boom barely fits down the aisle

I wish I could say set-up was uneventful, but unfortunately it wasn’t. A dealer in my aisle needed a chandelier hung when setup for the show was almost complete. To accomplish that, EXPO, the company responsible for everything physical at the show, decided to move their gigantic boom down our aisle. In the process, they hit my Tiffany glass case with their tire and broke a vase worth at least $2,500. It could have been much worse. What I don’t understand it why they would accommodate such a request so late in the set-up. They could have broken hundreds of thousands of dollars of merchandise in the attempt. Makes no sense to me. Now I have to deal with an insurance claim. Ugh!! I’m lucky my neighbor across the aisle recorded the entire event, so EXPO can’t deny they were the cause of the damage.

I just purchased this beautiful Tiffany Favrile vase with applications the day before

I just purchased this beautiful Tiffany Favrile vase with applications the day before

To make things worse, the management did not turn on the air conditioning for the entire set-up. It was dreadfully hot and humid in the hall, with many people sweating bullets. I know this may fall on deaf ears to those experiencing -5°, but it wasn’t pleasant.

It may look disorganized, but it will look great when the show opens

It may look disorganized, but it will look great when the show opens

The show opens today at noon and continues until Monday at 6 PM. I always look forward to it as one of the two best and most important shows of the year. I’ve got a lot riding on the results, so I’m going into the show with butterflies in my stomach. Wish me luck!

We'll have this great Tiffany Studios candlestick lamp at the show

We’ll have this great Tiffany Studios candlestick lamp at the show

Next week we’ll check out the Naples Art, Antique and Jewelry Show after this show ends. If we like what we see, we’ll exhibit there next year. Then we’ll exhibit at the Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show the following week, starting on February 15. We’ll end our southern swing with the wonderful Grove Park Inn Arts & Crafts Conference, February 21 – 23, 2014. We last exhibited there a few years ago and couldn’t exhibit again because of scheduling conflicts. This year there were no conflicts, so we’re happy to return.

Andre Gisson painting with rare balloon subject matter

Andre Gisson painting with rare balloon subject matter

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps

The results of the Miami National Antiques Show, January 22-24, 2014

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday. Tune in this Thursday for news from the Original Miami Beach Antique Show.

My aisle, Saturday afternoon at 4:30 PM

My aisle, Saturday afternoon at 4:30 PM

It’s Saturday afternoon at 3:45 PM as I start to write this blog. Half the Miami National Antiques Show is over, with reasonably good results to this point, far exceeding last year’s results. Attendance was fairly good yesterday, with some real buyers in the crowd. Attendance today is much weaker, so boredom is setting in. I’ve got some clients considering major purchases, but I can’t take that to the bank.

Attendance was a little better on Sunday at 2:30 PM

Attendance was a little better on Sunday at 2:30 PM

UPDATE: Sunday, 2:45 PM. Attendance is a little better today, but not sales. Made one sale early on Saturday, but none today. Some people arrived early to catch the last day of the Miami National Antiques Show before going on to the big Miami Beach show later this week. It looks like this show will finish with a whimper, not a bang, but it’s still been a good show. The de facto end to our show was Saturday at 1 PM, but there was no way to know that in advance.

FINAL UPDATE: Sunday, 5:00 PM. WRONG! I’m happy to report that the show ended with a bang, not a whimper. We made three significant sales in the last two hours — a nice way to finish a show that was a bust last year.

One of the fine Daum Nancy vases sold at the show

One of the fine Daum Nancy vases sold at the show

The excitement will begin this Tuesday, when we start setting up the Original Miami Beach Antique Show. All the big shot collectors and dealers will be there, creating a totally different ambiance. The show opens to the public this Thursday at noon and will continue until Monday, at 6 PM. You still have time to make plans to come to Miami this week. According to the weather report, the daytime temperature will range from 67° to 82° for the next 10 days. Last I checked, the temperature was 26° in New York City, 19° in Detroit, and 5° in Minneapolis. This is a great time to visit Miami. You’ll be able to see the best antique show of the year, enjoy the weather and eat at many great restaurants.

We'll have this great Tiffany Studios candlestick lamp at the show

We’ll have this great Tiffany Studios candlestick lamp at the show

We’ll end our southern swing with the wonderful Grove Park Inn Arts & Crafts Conference, February 21 – 23, 2014. We last exhibited there a few years ago and couldn’t exhibit again because of scheduling conflicts. This year there were no conflicts, so we’re happy to return. It will immediately follow the important Palm Beach Antiques Show.

Andre Gisson painting with rare balloon subject matter

Andre Gisson painting with rare balloon subject matter

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps