The Pier Show is coming! The Pier Show is coming!

The NYC Pier Show, Saturday-Sunday, March 12-13, 2011

I don’t have a horse to help me get the message out, but I do have the Internet. Now there’s a thought. Paul Revere would have tweeted about the British. My son tells me I have to get with it and start using Twitter, so soon I’ll figure it out and get with the program.

There were two lines for the opening of the November, 2011 Pier Show

In the meantime, at least I write a blog and can tell you that the NYC Pier Show is coming this weekend, Saturday-Sunday, March 12-13, 2011. The show is a big deal, even by NY standards. There’s nothing quite like it, with very diverse offerings that are difficult to find in today’s shows. This is the way shows used to be, with the antique show in the Madison Square Garden Exposition Rotunda, coming closest. That show was held once a year and the anticipation was amazing. There was always an enormous line that formed when the show began. The lines at this show are huge too.

So what’s so good about the show? First is the diversity. You can buy vintage clothing (there are quite a few exhibitors), famous autographs (there’s a new section), costume jewelry, furniture, every conceivable type of decoration from vintage to modern, art, art glass (think me), Tiffany lamps (think me, too). More decorators visit this show with their clients than many other shows. Next is quality, with superb offerings from many of the exhibitors. Last is quantity. It’s a big show, with many exhibitors, so you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for.

Monumental 19" Gallé vase with two dragonflies

I’m bringing many new items that are new to my inventory. I’ve bought very well since the last time I exhibited at the Pier Show in the fall. I’m bringing great new Daum and Gallé items, Tiffany glass from a private collection, a super Tiffany Studios green Linenfold counterbalance floor lamp and lots more.

Travelers come from all over the world to shop this show, so make the time to come and visit. You surely won’t regret it. And what’s more fun than playing in New York City for the weekend, with its great restaurants and shows? I can think of worse things to do.

If you like my blog, please let your friends know by sending them a link. Then check out my new Tiffany, Daum, Gallé, Webb and R. Lalique acquisitions. I just listed some important Tiffany vases, straight from a private home. Here’s the link.

Pastel glass of the Louis C. Tiffany Furnaces, Inc.

A rare two-color pastel wine glass

In January, 1920, Louis C. Tiffany Furnaces, Inc., was formed and headed by A. Douglas Nash. In the decade that followed, a line of pastel glassware was created that proved popular. The items were all utilitarian, as opposed to the art glass that Tiffany Studios produced. Wine glasses, parfaits, compotes and candlesticks were made in various shades of yellow, green, blue, pink, and lavender. The quality of the workmanship was very high.

Tiffany pink candlesticks

Pastel glass is under-appreciated by today’s collectors. Perhaps the spark will be the publication of a book on the topic. As of today, there is no such book, but Gordon (Hank) Hancock of Long Island is writing one that I hope he finishes and publishes. In the meantime he has done substantial research. (You may contact him directly at

To those collecting today, certain colors appeal more than others. Pink is probably the most sought after, followed by lavender, blue and green, with yellow trailing the pack. Tastes change, so buy what you like. Doesn’t the “in” color change every year for ladies fashions?

Aqua color wedding ring compote

Some of the shapes were more unusual than others. A “wedding ring” compote is moderately rare and especially nice.

A rare chartreuse color variation

The numbering system on pastel glass is different than for earlier Favrile glass from Tiffany Studios. Earlier pieces had unique numbers that included a prefix or suffix letter. The numbers on pastel items do not have a letter and refer to the shapes, so you will see the same number repeated on items with the same shape. For example, 1881 is a trumpet vase and is repeated on all trumpet vases of the same size and shape. (Credit Hank Hancock for this information.)

Prices are still very reasonable for pastel glass. If you find it appealing, it’s a great time to enter the market and start collecting. One day, prices may soar and you’ll look back fondly on this time period.

If you like my blog, please let your friends know by sending them a link. Then check out my new Tiffany, Daum, Gallé, Webb and R. Lalique acquisitions. I just listed some important Tiffany vases, straight from a private home. Here’s the link.

Results of the Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antiques Show, February 18-22, 2011

My aisle at 1 PM on Tuesday afternoon

Read this blog to the end, because it’s amazing what a difference a few hours makes.

I’m writing this blog at 1:15 PM on Tuesday afternoon, so what I’m saying now is subject to modification, perhaps towards the end of this entry. As of now, the show did not go well. It’s an expensive show for exhibitors, so they have to sell more than the usual amount just to make expenses. Sales after that are the profit. As of this moment, I have not made expenses, nor have several other dealers that I’ve spoken to. I’m sure there are some exhibitors who’ve done well, but personally I haven’t met them. Attendance was noticeably lower than last year, when the aisles were crowded each of the four days of the show. Attendance was good on Saturday and Sunday and lighter on Monday and Tuesday.

In asking around, I found out the following. A dealer in Russian objects did not make his expenses. Another dealer in decorative objects and jewelry had a difficult time selling decorative objects but was able to make a profit with jewelry. A dealer in clocks was able to make a small profit. One dealer in paintings did not sell a single painting. Another dealer who sells general merchandise was pleased. He had sold a mirror, a piece of furniture, a bronze, etc.

My booth, with my beautiful wife, Tuesday, 2:20 PM

I’ve got mixed feelings about the attendance at this show. The show promoter is very generous with the distribution of free tickets. Consequently lots of the attendees at the show are there solely for a good time. It’s better than a museum — the admission is free, you can touch or buy anything, and you can ask questions of experts in their fields. My feelings are mixed because it’s difficult to deal with the many attendees who are there for amusement. Sitting in the booth for eight hours, repeatedly putting up with comments and questions like “Are any of these items for sale?” “Did you make these?” “Do you have a pair?” is tough. On the other hand, there is a possibility that someone who had no intention of purchasing anything could get sufficiently motivated and make a purchase.

I’m not sure why I print and distribute business cards. My wife was once in a booth where they sold purses. She asked for a business card and was told by the owner “No, I don’t have any. Cards are for people who have no intention of buying.” I’m not that cynical, but I am realistic. If I take a wild guess, I estimate that I receive one inquiry for every 1-200 cards that I distribute. Pretty low percentage, but if it results in a sale or purchase, it was worth it.

P.S. It’s now 9:30 PM on Tuesday night. The show finished a few hours ago and now we’re all packed up and anxious to get back to New York. We’ve been gone a month, so I’m champing at the bit (can I tell you how many people are wrong when they say chomping on the bit?) to get home. The show ended with a flurry of business for the last three hours — very exciting and very gratifying. We sat at the show for 35 hours of exhibition time and did 75% of our business during the last three hours. Some of it was to people returning after they’d seen something in our booth on previous days, but most of the business was to people who saw us for the first time. Business cut through many categories, a Pairpoint puffy, KPM plaques, Tiffany glass, an Icart etching, a Le Verre Francais vase, but it’s still strongest for French cameo glass. Thanks to each and every one of our clients. Their business is truly appreciated.

If you like my blog, please let your friends know by sending them a link. Then check out my new Tiffany, Daum, Gallé, Webb and R. Lalique acquisitions. I just listed some important Tiffany vases, straight from a private home. Here’s the link.

The Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show is open until Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Opening day, Saturday, at 3 PM

The Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show opened today at 11 AM. Attendance has been very good, but seems off a bit from last year. Business today was fair, with a few small sales. There’s been lots of interest and intelligent questions, so I’m cautiously optimistic that the show will ultimately be good. I gave out lots of business cards, but that’s usually to people who want to make a gracious exit from my booth. They think that if they ask for a card, I’ll think they’re serious. Quite the opposite.

Setup on Thursday

Setup at this show is different from most other shows, because once it begins on Thursday morning at 9 AM, it runs 24 hours a day. It’s nice to be able to choose my own hours and stay as long as necessary to complete the booth. The setup lasts until Friday afternoon because the preview party begins at 6 PM the same night. If you read my blog, you know what I think of preview parties, but this time it was different — I made two sales. Knock me over with a feather! This party wasn’t as stuffy as most. There really were buyers mixed in with party-ers. Lots of interest and questions.

The same view on opening day, Saturday

My next blog will be sometime on Wednesday, as the show ends on Tuesday at 6 PM. It’s strange for a show to run from Saturday to Tuesday, but it makes sense because it’s always held over the President’s Day weekend. Lots of folks travel to West Palm Beach for the long weekend.

If you like my blog, please let your friends know by sending them a link. Then check out my new Tiffany, Daum, Gallé, Webb and R. Lalique acquisitions. I just listed some important Tiffany vases, straight from a private home. Here’s the link.

The Sarasota Antiques Show is over and the Palm Beach Antiques Show is starting this coming weekend, February 19, 2011

Sunday afternoon in my booth at the Sarasota Antiques Show

Call me a glutton for punishment. After exhibiting at two shows in a row in Miami, we made it three-in-a-row with Sarasota and soon to be four-in-a-row with Palm Beach. I don’t mind the work when it’s rewarded, but it was not to be in Sarasota. Next year, we’ll relax on a Caribbean beach for a week between shows. Hey mon, I can already taste that Jamaican beer!

One of several fabulous Tiffany Favrile vases that I recently acquired from a private home

This is the third time we’ve exhibited in Sarasota and now we know beyond the shadow of a doubt that it’s the last time. It’s a beautiful city, but that’s not a sufficient reason to exhibit there. There aren’t enough buyers for important items. I received lots of compliments, and I do appreciate them, but unfortunately I can’t pay the mortgage with them.

It amazes me, although it shouldn’t, how little the general public understands about the antiques business. First and foremost is that most people don’t even realize it’s a business, with profit and loss. If more people understood that, there could be a better balance of the needs of both exhibitors and attendees. Exhibitors need to sell. The public, in general, needs to be amused. The buyers need to find what they’re searching for. So how can a balance be achieved? I’ll propose a radical solution that has little chance of succeeding. Attendees at antiques shows pay nothing for admission if they make a purchase. Those who don’t make a purchase pay for admission, say $50. What would happen? Fewer people would attend, but a higher percentage would make purchases. Sounds good to me. The problem is that there is a third interested party — the show promoter. Promoters make money from two sources, booth rent from the exhibitors and admissions from the public. They have no interest in limiting the number of people who attend — just the opposite. The antique shows that get the balance correct will continue to thrive, while those that don’t will eventually go out of existence, as has already happened in several cities. In the meantime, I’ll keep writing my blog in the hope that I can affect and improve the balance. But I digress.

Opening day at last year's Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show

Next weekend, on Saturday, February 19th, the Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show opens to the public. It will remain open for four days, until Tuesday, February 22nd. It’s a gorgeous show, with important dealers, many of whom exhibit at very few shows. It’s worth a trip from anywhere. Buyers fly in from all over the US, as well as Canada and Europe. Palm Beach is a lovely place to spend some time in the middle of winter. There’s still time to make your plans.

If you like my blog, please let your friends know by sending them a link. Then check out my new Tiffany, Daum, Gallé, Webb and R. Lalique acquisitions. I just listed some important Tiffany vases, straight from a private home. Here’s the link.

The Original Miami Beach Antique Show is open until Monday, February 7, 2011

One of two identical lines to enter the show yesterday

The Original Miami Beach Antique Show opened yesterday, February 3, 2011, and will remain open until Monday, February 7. Buyers from all over the world descended on the show, with good reason — the enormous show has many high quality exhibitors, some of whom saved their best items for the show. Name another place where you have the opportunity to choose from approximately $1 billion worth of high quality antiques and jewelry. There are other large shows, like Roundtop, TX, or Brimfield, MA, but they lack the overall quality and consistency. And let’s not forget the show is in Miami, in a modern air-conditioned exhibition facility. I can think of worse places to be in the middle of winter.

Opening day, 2 PM

Attendance was good yesterday, building slowly. The show is so large, it takes quite a few people to make it look busy. Anecdotally, business seemed to be quite good. Overheard at one of the packers “What is the value of your shipment?” Answer “$100,000”. Another booth I visited with furniture and paintings had sold stickers on over 50% of the items. Another dealer had sold a fantastic and very expensive Tiffany Studios inkwell.

A fantastic Daum Nancy mushroom vase, one of the many new items I have at the show

I suspect that many buyers were unable to get to Miami with all of the disruptions caused by the massive storm. Hopefully they’ll make their way here in the next day or two. There’s lots of show left until Monday afternoon, when I’m confident there will be many smiles.

My booth, #4012, in Hall D

I moved to Hall D, booth 4012, in order to get a corner. Please come and visit me in my new location.

Not sure yet whether I’ll post results on Monday, or wait until Tuesday, when the show will officially be over. Right now, I’m leaning towards posting on Tuesday.

If you like my blog, please let your friends know by sending them a link. Then check out my new Tiffany, Daum, Gallé, Webb and R. Lalique acquisitions. I’ve recently listed many of them on my website, including Daum swans, rain, a Gallé monumental red vase — more each day, including a Tiffany Favrile millifiori vase. Here’s the link.

What a crowd at the Miami National Antiques Show – and that’s not a compliment!

My booth on Sunday afternoon

The Miami National Antiques Show took place this past weekend, January 28-30, 2011. The show looked great with many fine dealers displaying important items. Show attendance was up from last year, but that’s a bit misleading as attendance was quite low last year. But these are steps in the right direction – more exhibitors, better exhibitors, and increased attendance. The promoter, Rosemary Krieger, did her job. The problem is you can bring a horse to water — well, you know the rest.

I can’t figure out what’s happened to the buyers at this show. They used to be fairly sophisticated and well-to-do, but that seems to have changed. Now I get questions like “Are those Carnival Glass?”, pointing to my collection of Tiffany Favrile glass. I exhibited some of the finest items I’ve ever owned, with hardly a reaction. At least, there should have been lots of oohs and ahs, even if they didn’t result in sales, but there were very few. My show was poor. In speaking to several other dealers, their results were tepid. I did hear second-hand that jewelry dealers were doing better.

Fantastic Daum Nancy mushroom vase with applied handles

It wasn’t a total disaster for me as I bought well. That’s half the battle. Ultimately I’ll sell those items, so that counts towards the results for my show. I’ll exhibit at the show again, but with lowered expectations.

This coming week is the big, much anticipated Original Miami Beach Antiques Show. It begins on Thursday, February 3, and lasts for five days. I suspect the results will be significantly better. If you haven’t ever visited this show, make your plans immediately. It’s a huge show, with fantastic merchandise. Buyers fly in from all over the world, so you’ll be in good company.

If you like my blog, please let your friends know by sending them a link. Then check out my new Tiffany, Daum, Gallé, Webb and R. Lalique acquisitions. I’ve recently listed many of them on my website, including Daum swans, rain, a Gallé monumental red vase — more each day, plus a killer red Tiffany Favrile vase and a millifiori vase. Here’s the link.

The Miami National Antiques Show is this weekend, January 28-30, 2011

The Miami National Antiques Show is open January 28-30, 2011

The Miami National Antiques Show will open to the public tomorrow, January 28, 2011. Lots of changes for the good are happening, so hopefully the show will enter a virtuous circle and get back to its former glory. Credit needs to go to Rosemary Krieger, the show’s promoter.

The first changes are to the building itself, done by Turner Construction. Most the changes are cosmetic, but quite nice — new lobby, new bathrooms, new lighting, etc. The exhibition looks better because of the changes.

Secondly, and more importantly, is the quality of the show. This is no local 25-dealer show with McDonald’s glass collectibles. It’s a 100+ dealer show with top-notch exhibitors who exhibit at important shows. The quality throughout is very high. Additionally, the show is growing again. The first floor is full and the second floor was supposed to have 20 dealers. They couldn’t exhibit, as the construction to the second floor isn’t complete. Hopefully the show will have a second floor next year.

Setting up at the Miami National Antiques Show

My advice? Visit this show and get first crack at many of the fine items that will be exhibited at next week’s huge Original Miami Beach Antiques Show at the Miami Beach Convention Center, February 3-7, 2011. I guarantee you’ll be pleased with what you see. Personally, I’ve just added over 15 great Daum and Gallé vases that are not listed on my website, including Daum rain miniatures, a Daum mushroom vase with two handles, a Daum vase with wheat, a second Daum rain vase, etc. You’ll just have to visit me at the show to see these beauties.

If you like my blog, please let your friends know by sending them a link. Then check out my new Tiffany, Daum, Gallé, Webb and R. Lalique acquisitions. I’ve recently listed many of them on my website, including Daum swans, rain, a Gallé monumental red vase — more each day, plus a killer red Tiffany Favrile vase and a millifiori vase. Here’s the link.

Knowledge is power, part VI

This story doesn’t end the way I planned it, but I trust you’ll find it interesting.

Daffodil table lamp, Hindman lot #346

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers, of Chicago, held their Marketplace auction on January 19-20, 2011. Included in their offerings was lot 346, described as An American Leaded Glass Daffodil Table Lamp, after Tiffany Studios, raised on a tree trunk standard. Height overall 18 1/2 inches, outer diameter of shade 13 7/8 inches. Estimate $800-1,200 , and that’s where my story begins.

As soon as I discovered lot 346, my curiosity was piqued. Here was a lamp that was described as “after Tiffany Studios”, which is auction-speak for “the lamp is not authentic”. To my eyes, the lamp appeared to be authentic, but late-period. Late in their production, Tiffany Studios stopped using their own glass that had been manufactured in-house. Rather, they purchased glass from outside suppliers, like the Kokomo Opalescent Glass Company of Kokomo, Indiana. This outside-purchased glass had a different “look” to it — “flatter”, less subtle and more garish. To the untrained eye, late Tiffany lamps look like reproductions. So here was the perfect opportunity to sneak up on an item and use my knowledge to gain the advantage. (Read my blog of July 24, 2009 for a good example. Here’s the link. July 24, 2009 blog)

I called the auction house and spoke to the expert in charge and asked Hindman to ship the lamp to me for inspection. I volunteered to pay for the shipping in both directions. Unfortunately, they were unable to comply with my request as this wasn’t their property, but the property of the consignor (in this case an estate). They sent many detailed photos, which only confirmed my suspicion that the lamp was authentic. The problem was that photos were insufficient to make a 100% decision about its authenticity — I had to see it in person. Unfortunately, the only way I could do that was to fly to Chicago.

So, on the Saturday before the auction, I flew to Chicago. The expert in charge, Mike Intahar, kindly agreed to meet me at the auction house to view the lamp. In person, there was no question — the lamp was authentic. I turned right around and flew back to New York. In and out in a few hours. Now armed with knowledge, I could bid with confidence. The lamp had a retail price of $25,000 – 30,000, but I wanted to be conservative, so I could resell it quickly for $20,000 or less.

The auction took place on Wednesday, January 19th. The problem was that I didn’t record it in my calendar, so I completely forgot about it. I was in the city with my wife, when I checked my phone. There were two messages from Hindman’s that I had missed their calls. My heart sank! Here I had spent the time and money to go to Chicago to inspect a lamp, only to forget about the auction!!! Argh! I called Hindman’s and much to my relief, I hadn’t missed the lamp. It was an unimportant lot, earlier in the sale, that I had missed. Whew!!! Dodged a bullet on that one. Now I was prepared to bid. They were going to call me back within the hour.

At around 2 PM EST, Hindman called me to bid on the lamp. The bidding started at $400, which was a very good sign. It meant that no one had left a bid. I let other bidders start the bidding before I jumped in. $1000, $1500, $2000, still good. I was prepared to bid $10,000, or more, so there was plenty of room. $8,000, $9,000, $10,000 — oops, not looking too good any more. $16,000, $17,000, ($20,740, including buyer’s premium), and the bidding ended. Oh well! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I exchanged one day’s time and $500 in expenses for the possibility of a big payday. But it wasn’t meant to be. Two other bidders, one on the phone and one in the room, were also knowledgeable.

I have no regrets. If I have the opportunity again, I will do exactly the same thing. Throw enough #*&% against the wall and something will stick.

If you like my blog, please let your friends know by sending them a link. Then check out my new Tiffany, Daum, Gallé, Webb and R. Lalique acquisitions. I’ve recently listed many of them on my website, including Daum swans, rain, a Gallé monumental red vase — more each day, plus a killer red Tiffany Favrile vase and a millifiori vase. Here’s the link.

The changing market in French Cameo Glass

A fine Gallé Japanese Peach Blossom table lamp

Tastes in French cameo glass have changed considerably over the last 35 years as the buyers have changed. At first, American buyers were more interested in Gallé than other makers. In retrospect, it appears that it was just naivete. They didn’t yet know much about other makers. When the Japanese started buying heavily in the late 1980s, their tastes changed the market. They were willing to pay a premium for sophistication – techniques beyond the basic of acid-etching, like wheel-carving, or applications. The market changed once again in 1990, when the Japanese dropped out suddenly, as their real estate bubble burst. American taste moved to the forefront again. But now, there was more knowledge available from multiple resources, including new books, more dealers and of course, the Internet.

A rare Daum Nancy blackbird vase

So what is modern American taste? The keyword now is pretty. Americans appreciate pretty more than sophisticated. That fundamental shift has caused the value of many Daum Nancy acid-etched and enameled items to go up in value while wheel-carved and applied items have either stagnated or gone down in value. As a result, the balance of interest has shifted 55/45 to Daum. The same characteristics apply to Gallé. The item has to be pretty, which usually means a nice shape, together with brighter colors, like red, blue, purple, pink and yellow. Brown seems to be one of the worst colors. Gallé produced many vases in the green and brown family, which have moved down the totem pole and are difficult to sell.

Daum Nancy vase with padded and wheel-carved berries

The change in American taste has created an interesting anomaly – vases that took much longer to produce from highly skilled workers are priced lower than simpler, but prettier vases. It’s similar to the stock market – there is currently an opportunity to buy a segment of the market that is out of favor. Will it come back into favor? Who knows? All is takes is a determined few to start collecting these items and the market will reverse. I recommend the purchase of these items for their beauty and importance. If they also happen to go up in value, that would be a nice bonus.

Fine Muller roses chandelier

I haven’t mentioned any of the other French cameo glass makers as there isn’t much interest from Americans. To be fair, there is a decent amount of interest in Muller, the number three maker of French cameo glass. Then in order, there are D’Argental, deVez, Legras, Richard, and a few others. I rarely offer their works for sale as there are so few collectors. The quality of some of these makers, like D’Argental, is quite good, but often the colors are not appealing.

Most weeks I will now be posting a new blog on Mondays only. Occasionally I will add a second one, usually on Thursday. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to post more often. I might try posting a video blog on youtube, but I just have to get over the inertia of doing the first one.

If you like my blog, please let your friends know by sending them a link. Then check out my new Tiffany, Daum, Gallé, Webb and R. Lalique acquisitions. I’ve recently listed many of them on my website, including Daum swans, rain, a Gallé lamp and a monumental red vase — more each day, plus a killer red Tiffany Favrile vase and a millifiori vase. Here’s the link.