My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, readership slows down in the summer, so I will only publish on Mondays until the weather gets cold and readership picks up.
The French cameo glass market has been strong for many years. Daum Nancy glass, in particular, has excelled. Recently I’ve had the opportunity to both buy and sell some exceptional examples. Following are a few.

Daum Nancy scenic tumbler with exceptional color and detail
Daum Nancy tumblers come in three sizes, miniature (about 2″), mini (about 3½”), and standard (about 4¾”). They also vary in shape from round to square to pinched diamond. All of them are quite popular among collectors. In the largest size, floral examples are the most common, with scenic examples moderately rare. So it was especially nice when I was presented with the opportunity to buy a fairly rare, and exceptionally pretty scenic example. I sold it before I could even list it in inventory or on my website. A client sent me an email inquiring about what I had that was small, new and pretty. This tumbler fit the bill, so out the door it went.

Daum Nancy vase with applied moth
By the 1920s, Daum was changing its style to the new Art Deco movement. They started producing some vases with no acid-etching, but rather with applications that were hand-engraved by wheel-carving. The example pictured above is exceptional, with an applied moth whose body looks like a seashell, and elaborately carved wings and martelé background in the body of the vase. This vase was also sold immediately when I sent photos to my best client. No surprise there.
The following two examples haven’t yet been listed on my website, but I am sending photos to a good client. They may be available by the time you read this blog or they may be sold. Please inquire if you have any interest.

Beautiful Daum Nancy scenic vase
The first is a particularly beautiful scenic vase, in a rare shape, with a square mouth, 5″ tall. The color and detail are extraordinary, especially the red in the foreground.

Dazzling Daum Nancy Fall scenic pillow vase
The second example is a
Fall scenic, one of my favorite seasons, both in real life and as pictured on Daum Nancy vases. This is the second example I have of this vase, with the same season, size and shape. I’m partial to this example. The colors and detail are quite beautiful and different than usual. The greenish arc in the background is internal, giving the vase great depth. It’s also more transparent than usual, adding to the effect. It’s a stunning example.
I hope to be able to add a number of wonderful examples of recent purchases to my website, but I’ve been so busy, it’s been hard to find the time. If you’re looking for something, send me an email. I’ll make the time to respond to your request.

October 20-22, 2017
Our next show, in Denver, October 20-22, 2017, is fast approaching. We’re giving Denver one last shot to prove it’s worthwhile traveling all the way from New York. If the show doesn’t go well, goodbye Denver. The following week we’ll be in Southfield, Michigan, for the Southfield Pavilion Antiques, Art, & Modernism Show. That’s another show that has to go well for us to return. Then we’ll be in Winnetka, Illinois, the following week for the Antiques + Modernism Winnetka show. That’s one show we don’t have to worry about. We have great clients in the greater Chicago area, so we really look forward to seeing our old friends.
Click Philip Chasen’s new items to check my website for the latest items and to look around. I recently added several new items and I’ll be adding more this week. They’re some of the best items I’ve ever had, so please take a look.
I will update it as often as time permits. We’re still very much in business between shows, so please don’t hesitate to email or call. I always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on my website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. And remember to keep reading my blog.