My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. The weather is getting colder and my show schedule is picking up, so I will try to publish twice weekly again. If readership picks up, I will continue to publish twice weekly, as often as possible.

October 20-22, 2017
Yesterday was the first day of setting up at the Denver World Wide Antique Show. We have a nice large booth, in the center of the show, allowing the setup to go as smoothly as possible. We finished about three-quarters of the work and will finish the rest today.

Part of the enormous amount of furniture offered at the show
In asking around, I was told that the October Denver show was the best of the three Denver shows, so there will be no excuses. If we can’t do well in Denver in October, then Denver is not a city for us. Tune in Monday for the results.

One of the fine dealers at the show
The show is larger than the summer version and looks like it will be enjoyable for the public. There’s a large variety of dealers and merchandise from jewelry to paintings to furniture to glass and lamps. (I’m not the only glass dealer in the show, even though I have the most and the best.)

Part of our huge selection of Daum and Gallé at the show
We have a great selection of American and French glass and lamps, including Tiffany, Handel, Daum Nancy and Gallé, to mention a few. Come visit the show and consider making a purchase, especially if you would like us to return.

Print the coupon above for a $2 discount on admission
Next week we’ll travel to Southfield, Michigan, for the Southfield Pavilion Antiques, Art, & Modernism Show. That’s another show that has to go well for us to return. Then we’ll travel to Winnetka, Illinois the following week for the Antiques + Modernism Winnetka show. That’s one show we don’t have to worry about. We have great clients in the greater Chicago area, so we really look forward to it.
I hope to be able to add a number of wonderful examples of recent purchases to my website, but I’ve been busy, so it’s been hard to find the time. If you’re looking for something, send me an email. I’ll make the time to respond to your request.
I will update my site as often as time permits. We’re still very much in business between shows, so please don’t hesitate to email or call. I always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on my website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. And remember to keep reading my blog.