I am now publishing once a week, on Monday.
When I have the time to write a contemporaneous account of a show, I do. Unfortunately this is one of those shows. I’ve got plenty of time to write.

That’s my booth in the front of an empty ballroom at 8:45 PM Thursday night at the preview party
Thursday 8:45 PM If you read my blog regularly, you know that I’m going to complain about the preview party. They’re always awful, but sometimes better if the food and drink are good. So this one had good food and drink, so it wasn’t as bad as some others. And I think I made a sale. A lady said she’s buying a Tiffany clock for her husband’s birthday tomorrow and she’ll be back at noon. But I don’t know her and nothing is sold until it’s paid for. We’ll see. Attendance has been lighter than usual. The party is usually packed, but at 8:45 PM our ballroom is empty. Most of the attendees are young women who are here to socialize and have no interest in making any purchases.

We sold this beautiful Daum Nancy vitrified floral and butterfly vase at the show
Friday 3:30 PM There was quite a bit of interest earlier in the day when some of my clients showed up. I made a couple of very good sales, so the show is off to a good start. I’ve got my fingers crossed that it will also end well, but it’s impossible to predict. My best clients emailed me that they’re unable to attend.
Oh and that lady who said she’s buying a Tiffany clock for her husband showed up and decided not to buy the clock. That’s beyond rude, after she told me it was sold.

Noon on Saturday outside my booth (on the left)
Saturday 12:00 PM The show was dead from midday yesterday until now. There’s no reason the show should have opened at 10 AM. 11 AM would have been kind to all concerned. Still haven’t had any serious inquiries, but attendance is picking up and we’re expecting some of our clients later in the day. Hopefully it will be a good day.

Rare Tiffany Studios 4-branch Art Nouveau table lamp

We sold this rare and exceptional Gallé Apple blownout vase at the show on Sunday
No shows until January 18, 2019, when we’ll exhibit at the Miami Antiques + Art + Design Show at the Miami Airport Convention Center (MACC). It precedes the Original Miami Beach Antiques Show which is finally moving back into the newly renovated Miami Beach Convention Center.
I’ll be listing new items soon, especially Tiffany desk set items, which make great Christmas gifts. Look for them soon.
I recently listed some of the new items on my website and will list more every week. Click Philip Chasen Antiques to take a look. I will make every effort to actively list new items as often as time permits. I always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on my website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. And remember to keep reading my blog.