The August 7-9, 2014 Chicago Summer Antiques Show in Rosemont, IL may close

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

The Donald E. Stephens Convention Center on River Road, in Rosemont, IL

The Donald E. Stephens Convention Center on River Road, in Rosemont, IL

The Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL, used to be the location of a three-times-a-year antique show sponsored by Dolphin Promotions. At one point the show was huge, with a really outstanding group of dealers. But as the years have gone by, the show got smaller and smaller. It was reduced to twice a year and now maybe once a year.

Saturday afternoon in my booth, last year

Saturday afternoon in my booth, last year

There’s a general problem in the industry, which I believe started with eBay. Some dealers dropped out of shows to devote themselves to selling full-time on eBay. Then the problem was compounded by the graying of the dealers, with very few younger dealers coming up to take the places of the older ones as they retired or died. Additionally younger buyers don’t seem very interested in antiques — they’d rather buy electronics. The results are fewer and smaller antique shows, in general. Dealers have to work harder to do the same business, but it’s there. Send postcards and emails to your clients. Call them and encourage them to visit the shows.

Now to the Chicago Summer Antiques Show, in particular. The future of the show has been put in jeopardy because not enough dealers have signed to exhibit this summer, August 7-9, 2014. Rosemary Krieger, the owner of Dolphin Promotions, told me that unless more dealers sign up for the show, she’ll have no choice but to shut it down. That would be a great shame. There are solid, bona fide clients in the greater Chicago area that visit the show and buy. Rosemary changed the days of the show to 1. coincide with the powerful ANA World’s Fair of Money show (in an adjacent hall) and 2. end on Saturday, instead of Sunday, to give the dealers extra time to get to Baltimore for the big Baltimore Summer Antiques Show. Many coin dealers are wealthy and collect antiques. Additionally, many clients of the coin show also collect antiques. These same coin dealers and collectors visit the antiques show and buy. I know. I’ve sold to them. Rosemary has also arranged for the public to park free at the lot across the street. That used to be a complaint, but is no longer valid.

Call or write to Rosemary and tell her you want to exhibit at the show and call your fellow dealers and encourage them to exhibit. 708-366-2710. Do it now, before it’s too late.

This wonderful Daum Nancy fall scenic vase is just in

This wonderful Daum Nancy fall scenic vase is just in

It’s spring, so there are no shows, but we’re still very much in business.  Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps.

$33 million lost Fabergé egg discovered by Midwest scrap-metal dealer

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

Fabergé Third Imperial Egg

Fabergé Third Imperial Egg, circa 1887

A Midwest scrap-metal dealer bought a golden egg with a clock inside for approximately $13,000, hoping to flip it quickly for a $500 profit. As luck would have it, he overestimated its melt value and wasn’t able to sell it quickly, giving him time to do a little Internet detective work. He typed “egg” and “Vacheron Constantin”, the name engraved on the clock, into Google and hit the jackpot. The information in a 2011 article in Britain’s Daily Telegraph newspaper indicated that the egg might be a lost Fabergé Imperial Egg.

faberge-egg-2The dealer hopped on a plane to London to meet with Kieran McCarthy, the author of the article in the Daily Telegraph.  McCarthy is the Director of Wartski a firm specializing in Russian works of art, especially Carl Fabergé.  The dealer had no appointment, but just casually walked into the shop, wearing jeans, with a portfolio of photos.  McCarthy was so excited by the photos, he flew to the US to authenticate the egg.  He determined it to be the Third Imperial Egg, made in 1887, for Tsar Alexander III, as an Easter gift to his wife, Tsarina Maria Feodorovna.  It had made its way to the West when the post-Russian Revolution Soviets sold their treasures in a policy known as turning “treasures into tractors”.

With the Midwest dealer’s blessing, Wartski then sold the egg to a private collector, for an undisclosed amount, possibly up to $33 million. It was displayed to the public at Wartski from April 14 to 17, for only the second time in its history.  The first was at a 1964 auction. Now it’s back to privacy for the egg.  Who knows the next time it will be available for view by the public?  In the meantime, the Midwest dealer is basking in the sunshine of his good fortune.

This wonderful Daum Nancy fall scenic vase is just in

This wonderful Daum Nancy fall scenic vase is just in

It’s spring, so there are no shows, but we’re still very much in business.  Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps.

What is Photo Republic?

Billy Chasen

Billy Chasen

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.  Thursday’s post will cover the amazing story of the discovery of a lost $33 million Fabergé egg.

Take a photo of something unexpected

Take a photo of something unexpected

Many of you may know of my son, Billy Chasen, and his work on the Internet.  His last creation,, looked like it was going to be the next big thing, but unfortunately after the initial hubbub died down, the site ultimately was forced to shut down.  The initial publicity put him on the cover of Inc. magazine and had him written about in Forbes magazine, The New York Times, and every business and tech publication that mattered.  Billy has also created other websites including, and stickybits; was the co-founder of betaworks, and is the creator of another fun app called ketchup (also available as a free app).

Take a photo of what's in your pocket

Take a photo of what’s in your pocket

Billy’s fertile mind never stops working, so he’s ever creating.  One of his latest ideas is just great fun.  It’s an app called Photo Republic that’s available for download free for both iPhone and Android.  Once a day at a different time, you’ll receive a message to take a photo within the next 15 minutes.  Some past requests have been “Take a photo of your shoes” or “Take a photo of what’s in front of you”.  As the photos come in, they’re displayed in a grid, with the city and country of origin.  The message goes out to the entire world simultaneously, so you’ll see a montage of worldwide photos. It takes a few seconds and it’s really fun to see the results coming in from Valparaiso, Chile, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Vienna, Austria, Auckland, New Zealand and all over the US and Canada.

I suggest you download the app and tell your friends in close and distant locations to download it too.  You’ll enjoy it!

This wonderful Daum Nancy fall scenic vase is just in

This wonderful Daum Nancy fall scenic vase is just in

It’s spring, so there are no shows, but we’re still very much in business.  Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps.

The results of the Chicago International Art, Antique & Jewelry Show, April 25 – April 28, 2014

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.  The next post will be published on Monday because this post was published on Tuesday.

1:45 PM Saturday afternoon in my aisle

1:45 PM Saturday afternoon in my aisle

The Chicago International Art, Antique & Jewelry Show was held this past weekend, April 25 – April 28, 2014.  Following is a log of the events.

It’s 1:30 PM on Saturday, as I start to write this blog. There’s plenty of show left, but as of this moment, it’s not going well. The show started with a preview party on Thursday night. I managed to make one sale and answer a few intelligent questions, but basically the preview party was a bust, as most of them are. What made it worse was the lack of food and drink. The only thing included was hors d’oeuvres and a poor champagne. Drinks were for purchase. The promoters don’t realize (or care) that the dealers are their most important asset and should be treated accordingly. Plenty of food and drink would go a long way to creating needed good will. It’s the wrong time and place to try and save a few bucks. We were expected to be at the show from 4:30 PM – 10 PM with little food. It’s a far cry from the delicious, unlimited food and drink at the Merchandise Mart show. (Scott, are you reading this?) Dealers, let management know your opinion.

Attendance has been light to moderate, which I didn’t expect. The bigger problem is that many of the attendees seem unknowledgeable, uninterested or unqualified to make a purchase. I rely on my loyal clients year after year, and truly thank them, but it’s really important to develop new clients. None so far, but that could change in a flash.

One of the fine Daum vases sold at the show

One of the fine Daum vases sold at the show

Update.  Sunday, 5 PM.  The show is almost over.  Tomorrow, Monday, is likely to be a bust, as most Mondays are.  We’ve done a reasonable amount of business, but only a tad more than we did at the Chicago Botanic Garden a couple of weeks ago, but at twice the expense.  All of our business has been from our existing clients, except for one sale.  The goal of doing a major show in a major city is to find important new clients and that hasn’t been the case.  I don’t think our booth helped either.  We were in the first row to the left of the entrance.  Most of the clients visited us first and left quickly to see the rest of the show.  The middle of the show was where the action was.

Monday afternoon

Late Monday afternoon

Update.  Monday, 4 PM.  The show is now over.  Attendance was quite light on Monday, but a couple of dealers reported some business.  We did OK.  We made a few bucks, but nothing to write home about.  In asking around, I found out the following.  A NY dealer had an excellent show, in large part because an important client flew in from the West. Another East Coast dealer also had an excellent show. A major Southern dealer did not do well.  An art dealer had a poor show, and two dealers from France had bad shows.  All in all, a mixed bag.  I did hear good things about show promotion.  People told me about ads in the Chicago Tribune and on TV. Someone told me they received an email from the promoters offering a $25 voucher for cab fare to come to the show.  It was a good effort, but the Navy Pier is not the ideal facility.  I hope the promoters can come to an agreement with the Merchandise Mart to move the show back there.  That would be the best of both worlds.

This wonderful Daum Nancy fall scenic vase is just in

This wonderful Daum Nancy fall scenic vase is just in

The show season is now over. We’ll spend the next couple of months preparing for the summer antique shows that start in Denver and culminate with the wonderful Baltimore Summer Antiques Show, August 21-24, 2014. (BTW, it’s not too early to make your plans. Hotel rooms go quickly for the show, so make your reservations now.)

Spring in New York is a lovely time of year, so Lia and I will make sure we plan some playtime. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But there’s still plenty of time for business, so feel free to call or write. Let us know what you’re interested in buying or selling!

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps.

Setting up at the Chicago International Art, Antique & Jewelry Show, April 23, 2014

The show is starting to get set up

The show is starting to get set up

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

This is what our booth looks like when we start setting up

This is what our booth looks like when we start setting up

The Palm Beach Show Group will hold their first-ever Chicago International Art, Antique & Jewelry Show at Chicago’s Navy Pier, starting tomorrow, April 25th, at 11 AM, and ending on Monday, April 28th, at 4 PM. They were able to attract some of the country’s top exhibitors, so the public should get their money’s worth. This is a show that is important enough to warrant travel from any distance. It takes the place of the now defunct Merchandise Mart Antiques Show.

And what it looks like at the preview party

And what it looks like at the preview party

We haven’t exhibited at the Navy Pier in many years. It’s not as comfortable as the Merchandise Mart, but it’s fine, just like other modern convention centers. Setup was smooth, without any of the all-too-frequent annoyances that can slow us down. It will all be worth the effort if business is good. I expect attendance to be good, but that doesn’t always translate to sales. Tune in on Tuesday for the results of the show, as the show ends on Monday.

We'll have this wonderful, rare Daum Blackbird vase for sale at the show.

We’ll have this wonderful, rare Daum Blackbird vase for sale at the show.

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps

The Chicago International Art, Antique & Jewelry Show opens to the public this Friday, April 25, 2014

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

An aerial view of Chicago's Navy Pier

An aerial view of Chicago’s Navy Pier

The Palm Beach Show Group will hold their first-ever Chicago show, The Chicago International Art, Antique & Jewelry Show, this coming weekend, April 25-28, 2014, at Chicago’s Navy Pier. It will begin with the preview party on Thursday night, and follow with the show opening on Friday at 11 AM and continuing until Monday at 4 PM.

The aisles were jammed at the Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antiques Show.  Hopefully we'll see the same crowds in Chicago.

The aisles were jammed at the Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antiques Show. Hopefully we’ll see the same crowds in Chicago.

The Palm Beach Show Group is good at promotion, so look for a lot of advertising, including radio, TV, and print, plus free tickets in the mail. The promoters bring in lots of people to their existing shows, especially Palm Beach. However, it’s a double-edged sword, as many of the attendees are there just to have a good time or appraise their own collections. They have no interest in buying, but take up a lot of time and effort on the part of the exhibitors. On the other hand, there’s a chance of making a sale to someone who attends and no chance if they’re not there. A big crowd creates excitement and there are always serious buyers mixed in.

We'll have this wonderful, rare Daum Blackbird vase for sale at the show.

We’ll have this wonderful, rare Daum Blackbird vase for sale at the show.

I promise you the trip to visit this show will be worth it, even if you have to drive a big distance or take a plane. Many of the country’s top exhibitors will be there. You’ll get a chance to see (and purchase) some of the finest antiques and jewelry available anywhere in the country. Additionally, the weather is usually great at the end of April. Thousands and thousands of tulips should be in bloom on Michigan Ave.! Come to the show, introduce yourself to me, consider purchasing something at the show, then go to a great restaurant and enjoy Chicago!

Can I tell you about one of my pet peeves? Someone will come into the booth and inquire about the price of an item. THEN they tell me they have the same thing at home. Ugh! I feel tricked and used. I charge $125 for appraisals and now someone sneakily got the information for free. What they should have done is FIRST tell me they have the same item at home. Then I have the option to answer a question or not. I have the price of every object marked on a sticker underneath. If you’re just looking for a free appraisal, look at the sticker underneath and leave me alone. OK, now that I have that off my chest, I’m feeling better. Thank you very much.

Thursday’s blog will be from the floor of the Navy Pier and next Monday’s blog, with the results, will be postponed until Tuesday, as the show ends on Monday.

This rare R. Lalique blue Piriac vase is a recent purchase

This rare R. Lalique blue Piriac vase is a recent purchase

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps

Lamps sell well at Bonham’s Los Angeles 20th Century Decorative Arts sale, April 16, 2014

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

Bonham’s Los Angeles held a diverse 20th Century Decorative Arts sale on April 16, 2014. Included in the sale were a number of lots by Tiffany Studios and The Pairpoint Co. that performed very well.

A Tiffany Studios Moorish chandelier, Bonham's lot #2237

A Tiffany Studios Moorish chandelier, Bonham’s lot #2237

One of the top lots of the sale was #2237, a Tiffany Studios Moorish chandelier. It soared past its pre-sale estimate of $12,000 – $18,000 to sell for $46,250, including buyer’s premium.

A set of Tiffany Favrile tulip shades, Bonham's lot #2246

A set of Tiffany Favrile tulip shades, Bonham’s lot #2246

A matching set of Tiffany Favrile gold tulip shades doubled its high estimate of $4,000 to realize $10,000, including buyer’s premium. What was even more surprising was that only six of the nine shades were in perfect condition. I’m guessing that the buyer of the Moorish chandelier might have been the buyer of these shades, as they’re the same as the chandelier’s.

Rare Pairpoint Geranium puffy table lamp, Bonham's lot #2238

Rare Pairpoint Geranium puffy table lamp, Bonham’s lot #2238

A rare Pairpoint puffy Geranium table lamp in an equally rare potted base sold well above its high estimate of $5,000, to sell for $11,250.

I tried to buy some of the sale’s better items, but prices were too strong, so I bought nothing. For the complete results of the sale, click here.

This rare R. Lalique blue Piriac vase is a recent purchase

This rare R. Lalique blue Piriac vase is a recent purchase

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps

The results of the Chicago Botanic Garden Antiques and Garden Fair, April 11-13, 2014

chicago-botanic-garden-3-2014(2)My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

There was a long line of cars to get in on Friday morning

There was a long line of cars to get in on Friday morning

The Chicago Botanic Garden Antiques and Garden Fair was held this past weekend, April 11-13, 2014, under the management of Stella Shows. The weather was considerably improved over last year, with mild temperatures in the 60s and 70s and not too much rain. You might remember there was terrible flooding last year at this time.

At times it was busy in the booth on Saturday

At times it was busy in the booth on Saturday

This year our booth was an end cap in one of the permanent buildings, Nichols Hall. It made a big difference, as we didn’t have to worry about the weather, the humidity, and the shaky floors of the tent. Attendance was strong on Friday at the opening, but it didn’t help business. Most of the attendees were women gardeners, more interested in the gardening section of the show. By the afternoon, the crowd had changed and we did some business, including some new clients. Saturday was better, with business from our existing clients and a new one. Attendance and interest was off on Sunday, but we did a little business. Overall, the show was fine — not a barn burner, but certainly worth the time, expense and effort. We’ll be back next year.


The last show of the season will start in 10 days, at Chicago’s Navy Pier. It will be the first time in Chicago for the Palm Beach Show Group, but if history is any indication, the show will be a good one. The Palm Beach Show Group knows how to promote a show, so there will be plenty of advertising, publicity and free tickets. I’m sure attendance will be great and hopefully sales will be commensurate. The show opens with a fabulous preview party on the night of Thursday, April 24th, that I just can’t wait for. (Somebody should create a new symbol to indicate sarcasm. Wouldn’t that be cool?) The show opens to the public on Friday, April 25th at 11 AM and continues until Monday, April 28th at 4 PM. This is one show you will not want to miss, with some of the country’s most important exhibitors. It will take the place of the Merchandise Mart Antique Show, which closed.

This rare R. Lalique blue Piriac vase is a recent purchase

This rare R. Lalique blue Piriac vase is a recent purchase

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps

The Chicago Botanic Garden Antiques and Garden Fair opens this Friday, April 11, 2014

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.


The Chicago Botanic Garden Antiques and Garden Fair in Glencoe opens this Friday, April 11, 2014, at 10 AM, and continues until Sunday, April 13, 2014, at 5 PM. It’s a fun show you’ll be glad you attended, with a great variety of plants, garden items and antiques. The weather is forecast to be much better this year than last year when we had flooding from the extreme rain.

This is the first show for our Tiffany 17" Dragonfly

This is the first show for our Tiffany 17″ Dragonfly

We recently went on a European buying trip and purchased some lovely glass. Additionally, we were able to buy some great items domestically. We’re going to have all of them for sale at the show, including Daum, Gallé and Tiffany glass; several nice Tiffany lamps, including a gorgeous 17″ Dragonfly with the most beautiful purple bodies, blue wings and turquoise jeweled eyes; several new Icarts, including Sheherazade, Sapho and Sofa, and lots of other items, too numerous to mention.

We'll have this wonderful, rare Daum vase for sale at the show.

We’ll have this wonderful, rare Daum vase for sale at the show.

Last year we exhibited in one of the tents, which was quite challenging. The weather was a huge problem, with all of the rain and humidity, but the biggest problem was the shaking from the wooden floors of the tent. This year we’re in one of the permanent buildings, in a larger booth, so our display should be fabulous. If you’re in the greater Chicago area, this is one show that’s worth the trip. Please stop in, say hi, and take a look at our great items, all for sale!

Make sure you tune into this Thursday’s blog about some great results at Cottone’s recent sale. Next Monday’s post will let you know the results of this Botanic Gardens show.

This rare R. lalique blue Piriac vase is a recent purchase

This rare R. lalique blue Piriac vase is a recent purchase

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps

The results of the NYC Pier Antique Show, March 29-30, 2014

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

Saturday afternoon at 3:30  PM in front of my booth

Saturday afternoon at 3:30 PM in front of my booth

This was the second time the NYC Pier Antique Show was conducted under the management of U.S. Antique Shows. Last November’s show was decent for us. This one was worse than last March, when we had a bad show. Ugh! I have a couple of possibilities of selling some important items after the show is over, but I never count my chickens until they’re hatched.

Saturday was a rough day. Attendance was moderate, interest was fair, and sales were nowhere to be had. Strange. Last March was awful, followed by the November Pier show, which was significantly better. I never used to notice a substantial difference between the fall and the spring shows, but it seems to be coming clear. Regardless of the season, New Yorkers are tough. I guess they’re jaded, because so much is available. There are many shows, shops and auctions. Most of the time I’m happy to exhibit in other cities where the folks are more interested and appreciative of the efforts made to come to their city.

Attendance was pretty light at 3:30 PM on Sunday

Attendance was pretty light at 3:30 PM on Sunday

Sunday wasn’t much better. There were fewer people, but slightly better interest. We ended up having a poor show that didn’t even cover our expenses. On the plus side, we bought a few items during setup from other dealers that should give us a decent profit when they’re sold. So if we look at the total picture, eventually it won’t be a losing show.

I was an unhappy camper this time, so I didn’t ask too many people for their results. Here’s what I saw and heard. An art dealer did very poorly and left the show early. From a lamp dealer “Not very good.” Another lamp dealer told me he sold a lamp at the last minute, so he made a profit. A Midwest general dealer said he had a fine show and hoped to do as well in Chicago in a couple of weeks. And finally, a California dealer in carnival glass and Hummels told me he made money. It was his first time at the show.

This rare R. lalique blue Piriac vase is a recent purchase

This rare R. lalique blue Piriac vase is a recent purchase

Next up will be the Chicago Botanic Garden Show in Glencoe, IL, April 11-13. It will be our second time there. Last year we exhibited in one of the many tents erected for the show. It was really tough, with the weather and shaking lamps and showcases. This year we’ll be in one of the permanent buildings, in a large booth. It should be nice. We’ll have our new purchases from our European buying trip for sale at the show, as well as some great domestic purchases.

We'll have this wonderful Le Verre Francais pitcher at the Chicago Botanic Garden Show

We'll have this wonderful Le Verre Francais pitcher at the Chicago Botanic Garden Show

Click here to view my new website and look around. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps