Solid results at James D. Julia, Inc. Lamp and Glass auction, November 28-29, 2012

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

James D. Julia, Inc. held its semi-annual Lamp and Glass auction on November 28-29, 2012. According to Dudley Browne, head of the Lamp and Glass division, it was the best sale he’s had in 10 years at Julia’s. Total sales were over $1.6 million, including the buyer’s premium. Two weeks prior to the sale, Dudley was concerned that the auction might not even reach $1 million in sales. Then Michaan’s had an awful Tiffany sale in California (don’t miss Thursday’s blog). Ultimately his fears were unjustified. Interest was solid across the board, even in categories that had been weak in recent sales. Part of the success was due to the re-emergence of many bidders who had been absent for several years. They probably helped increase the percentage of sold lots to a near all-time high for the division.

Tiffany Studios Venetian table lamp, Julia’s lot #1314

Top lot of the sale was #1314, a fine Tiffany Studios Venetian table lamp. Estimated to sell for $60,000 – $80,000, it realized $103,500, including buyer’s premium. In general, lamps were resurgent, from unsigned leaded to Pairpoint puffies to Tiffany Studios.

High-quality Galle marquetry vase, Julia lot #1200

The Gallé selection of glass was strong, anchored by several high quality marquetry examples. Lot #1200, a fine Gallé marquetry vase, sold for $25,875, above the high estimate of $20,000. The majority of Gallé vases sold within or above their pre-sale estimates.

Daum wheel-carved vase, Julia’s lot #1235

The top Daum lot of the sale was #1235, a beautifully wheel-carved example. This was the type of vase that used to sell very well to Japanese buyers, but not to American ones. On this day, the vase was well-received by Americans (an assumption on my part). It sold for $23,000, against an aggressive pre-sale estimate of $20,000 – $30,000.

For the complete results of the sale, click on the following link. Julia’s Lamp and Glass results. You will have to login (gratis) to see the prices.

I will be posting videos on YouTube of my lecture on French Cameo Glass to the Metropolitan Glass Club. I need some time to edit the videos. When they’re ready, I’ll put the link on my website and here in my blog.

Just purchased this unbelievable Gallé seagull vase — one of the best Gallé vases I’ve ever owned

Click this link to view some of the new objects I recently purchased and listed. French glass for sale. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show.

Wonderful Schneider controlled bubble vase with wheel-carved Art Deco handles, recently acquired

Look around my website. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. I regularly add Tiffany vases, lamps and desk accessories, as well as French cameo glass by Galle and Daum Nancy and etchings by Louis Icart. Here’s the link. Philip Chasen Antiques.

The results of the NYC Pier Antiques Show, November 17-18, 2012

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

First a final update on Hurricane Sandy. We got power back 13 days after the storm hit and we got TV, Internet and land telephone back 18 days after the storm. Then we were introduced to irony. While everyone was dealing with no power, we had power from our generator. While some were dealing with flooding, we were dry. Three days ago the heat and hot water magically stopped working. I called the oil company for service, but they were so busy they couldn’t come until the next day. So we went one night without heat. The next day, the serviceman came to fix the problem. As soon as he left, a pipe from the hot water heater burst, causing a major flood in the basement. Servicemen (plural) returned a few hours later to fix the problem, but then we needed a “dryout” crew to clean and dry the basement (paid for by the oil company). So while everyone was dealing with heat, we had none. While everyone was dealing with a dry basement, we had a wet one. If that isn’t the definition of irony, I don’t know what is. The good news is that everything is returning to normal and normal feels great.

My booth

Back to business. The NYC Pier Antiques Show ended yesterday, November 18, 2012. In asking around, most dealers told me they only had fair shows, but there was a wide range of opinions. Two dealers told me they had the best shows ever at the Pier. Another told me he only made one sale, and that was to me, pre-show — not a single item sold to the public. Ugh! Another dealer described his show in one word — “terrible”. There’s always a normal distribution curve of dealer results, but this time it was skewed a little toward disappointing. Some sales were strong at the show, including Handel and Pairpoint lamps — a welcome change.

A wonderful Tiffany red Favrile vase, sold at the show

Personally, my show was moderately good, but less than the previous two shows. It could get better if sales develop later this week, as suggested by several clients. Sales and interest were best in French cameo glass (Daum and Le Verre Francais), Tiffany glass, a Pairpoint puffy lamp and a good painting.

Saturday afternoon at the show

Attendance was good on Saturday, and almost as good on Sunday, but sales and interest were better for me on Sunday. Brooke Shields, Justin Timberlake, and Joan Rivers visited the show. (I’m a sucker for celebrities. I think I inherited it from my mother.) The problem was they didn’t come to my booth and buy anything. What’s wrong with them?

No more shows in 2012, so we’ll be spending the time buying treasures for the 2013 antiques season which begins with the Birchwood Manor Antiques Show in Whippany, New Jersey, January 5-6, 2013. (We might also find a little time for R&R.) After that we’ll be traveling south for the important Miami shows in late January and early February. In the meantime, we’re still in business, so keep the inquiries coming. Let me know what you’d like to buy, sell or trade. If you need a Christmas present, NOW is the time. I’ll be adding many new items to my website this week.

Just purchased this unbelievable Gallé seagull vase — one of the best Gallé vases I’ve ever owned

Click this link to view some of the new objects I recently purchased and listed. French glass for sale. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show.

Wonderful Schneider controlled bubble vase with wheel-carved Art Deco handles, recently acquired

Look around my website. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. I regularly add Tiffany vases, lamps and desk accessories, as well as French cameo glass by Galle and Daum Nancy and etchings by Louis Icart. Here’s the link. Philip Chasen Antiques.

Please visit my lecture on French Cameo Glass this Tuesday night, November 13, in NYC

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

Workers came from Massachusetts and elsewhere to aid in the power restoration

First a storm update. Things are looking up. Power was restored today to my neighborhood — 12 days after the storm. Hallelujah! We still have no Internet, TV, or land phones (and that could take up to two months to restore). Many gas stations have no lines, but an odd-even system is in place, so it can only be bought every other day. All in all, though, the situation is vastly improved.

A rare Gallé Elephant blownout vase that will part of my lecture

Back to business. I’ve been invited by the Metropolitan Glass Club to lecture about French Cameo Glass. The lecture will be held at St. Michael’s Church on W. 99th St. between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue in New York City at 7:00 PM, this Tuesday, November 13, 2012. Wine and cheese will be served at 6:30 PM. All are invited.

At my lecture, you’ll find out why this Burgun & Schverer vase is so special

My lecture is entitled French Cameo Glass: A-Z. I can’t say I’m thrilled with the title, but I am thrilled about the lecture. I spent an inordinate amount of time creating a Powerpoint presentation with lots of photos. The lecture will cover everything from the very basics of French Cameo Glass to advanced techniques, including sections on determining value and spotting reproductions. There will be things you’ll learn, even if you know quite a bit already. Hope to see you there.

Don’t miss this week’s NYC Pier Antiques Show

In the meantime, the news is good about the NYC Pier Antiques Show. Pier 94 has power and heat and is dry. The show will go on as planned this coming weekend, Saturday and Sunday, November 17-18. It will begin on Saturday at 10 AM and continue through Sunday at 6 PM. You should make every effort to come because it will be a good one. They always are!

Wonderful Schneider controlled bubble vase with wheel-carved Art Deco handles, recently acquired

Click this link to view some of the new objects I recently purchased. I recently listed over 25 new items. French glass for sale. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show.

I’ll have this rare, special Tiffany Studios red decorated Favrile vase for sale at the NYC Pier Antiques Show

Look around my website. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. I regularly add Tiffany vases, lamps and desk accessories, as well as French cameo glass by Galle and Daum Nancy and etchings by Louis Icart. Here’s the link. Philip Chasen Antiques.

French Cameo Glass sells well at Christie’s 500 Years Decorative Arts Europe auction, October 17-18, 2012

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

Many of the utility poles on my street are down and awaiting repair

I’ve been so preoccupied with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, that I haven’t had time to focus on business. Before I get to that, here’s a brief update. As of Wednesday night, we haven’t had power in my neighborhood for nine days (and none is expected until Monday, November 12th). LIPA (Long Island Power Authority) says that over 140,000 homes are still without power. We’re in the middle of another storm right this minute, which will probably cause more damage. Gas lines are getting longer, not shorter. It’s been pretty tough here for many people.

Back to business. Christie’s New York held a successful two-day 500 Years Decorative Arts Europe auction on October 17-18, 2012, with gross sales of $4,280,225. Included in the sale was a fantastic one-owner collection of French cameo glass, much of which was purchased as recently as one year ago at auctions in New York City. I find it curious that the collection was for sale so soon after purchasing some of it. Since I believe the owner(s) are still alive, my best guess is that the collection was sold as part of a divorce (but that’s wild speculation on my part).

A rare 21″ Gallé parrot vase, Christie’s lot #326

The top French cameo glass lot of the sale was #326, a rare, large Gallé vase with parrot decoration. Estimated to sell for $40,000 – $60,000, it realized $47,500, including buyer’s premium, toward the low end. Most of the vases in the sale had low estimates, but not this one. I imagine it was because the buyer paid a record price for it at Christie’s December 8, 2009 auction, where it sold for an astonishing $104,500. $47,500 was a much more realistic price. Here’s the link to my original blog about the sale. December 9, 2009 blog.

Wonderful Daum fall scenic vase, Christie’s lot #325

The second best-selling French cameo glass vase was a truly gorgeous fall scenic by Daum, sold as lot #325. Most Daum fall scenics are beautiful, but this one was both exceptional and large (18½”). It sold for $26,500, against a pre-sale estimate of $7,000 – $9,000 — over triple the low estimate. I really wanted to buy this vase, but the price was too strong for a dealer. Another Daum fall scenic vase, lot #324, almost as nice, sold for $25,000.

Fine Gallé plum blownout vase, Christie’s lot #347

A very attractive Gallé mold-blown plum vase, lot #347, was the fourth strongest French cameo glass lot of the sale. Against an estimate of $5,000 – $7,000, it sold for $21,250 — too rich for a dealer, but not for a collector.

For the complete results of the sale, click on the following link. Christie’s 500 Years Decorative Arts Europe results.

The NYC Pier Antiques Show will be held November 17 & 18, 2012

The big, important NYC Pier Antiques Show is coming next weekend, November 17th-18th. If you haven’t made your travel plans yet, there’s still time. This is one show you shouldn’t miss. You can knock off two birds with one stone — see the show and enjoy the Big Apple!

Wonderful Schneider controlled bubble vase with wheel-carved Art Deco handles, recently acquired

Click this link to view some of the new objects I recently purchased. I recently listed over 25 new items. French glass for sale. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show.

I’ll have this rare, special Tiffany Studios red decorated Favrile vase for sale at the NYC Pier Antiques Show

Look around my website. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. I regularly add Tiffany vases, lamps and desk accessories, as well as French cameo glass by Galle and Daum Nancy and etchings by Louis Icart. Here’s the link. Philip Chasen Antiques.

The results of the Arlington Park Racetrack Antiques Show, October 12-14, 2012

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

Sunday afternoon in front of my booth

The Arlington Park Racetrack Antiques show began this past Friday, October 12, 2012, and ended on Sunday, October 14, 2012. The show was small, with fewer than 50 dealers and the attendance was light. Regardless, most of the dealers I spoke to had good shows. Even though there weren’t many attendees, the ones that did come were serious.

It was really pouring at the show on Sunday afternoon

Sunday’s attendance was best, with a captive audience, as the rain was heavy in the middle of the day. There was even a local 45-minute tornado warning from 2:15 PM to 3:00 PM. My guess is that some people were discouraged from coming because of the severe weather.

One of the fine Daum Nancy vases sold at the show

On a personal note, my show was very good. Even though I only made a few sales, some were substantial. Almost all the sales were of French or English glass and very surprisingly, to new clients. I look forward to doing the show again, but I fear for the its continued existence. Each time the show gets smaller and fewer people attend. Unless the trend can be reversed, the show will fail and that will be a shame. I’ve got my fingers crossed that something will be done to keep the show alive.

Just purchased this fabulous Tiffany Studios 20″ Dragonfly table lamp

The Winnetka Antiques + Modernism Show starts this Friday, October 19, at 11 AM, and continues until Sunday, October 21, at 5 PM. We’re bringing all of our new purchases, which include some great Galle and Daum glass, as well as a fabulous Tiffany Studios Dragonfly lamp and a Tiffany Favrile red decorated vase. Please visit the show and see them in person.

Click this link to view some of the new objects. I listed about 25 new items in the last two weeks. French glass for sale. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show.

I just purchased this rare, special Tiffany Studios red decorated Favrile vase

Look around my website. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. I regularly add Tiffany vases, lamps and desk accessories, as well as French cameo glass by Galle and Daum Nancy and etchings by Louis Icart.

The Four Seasons of Daum Nancy glass

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

Not much news to report about shows or auctions this week, so it seems like a good time to teach. OK, students, listen up. This week’s lesson is about Daum Nancy scenic glass in the Four Seasons. There will be a quiz tomorrow, so pay attention!

Superb Daum Fall scenic tumbler, for sale on my site

Daum produced many scenic vases, some of which were distinctly seasonal. Let’s start with Fall, as it was the most colorful. All of the seasons were first acid-etched, then hand-painted with glass enamel paint, and then fired. As a result, the colors were permanent and didn’t fade with time. Within the sub-group of Fall vases, there were color variations — some were more red, or yellow, or vivid. Daum Fall vases command the highest prices of the Four Seasons, but Winter and Spring are not far behind. Summer brings up the rear.

A particularly strong example of a Daum Winter scenic vase

Winter is the most common season, as it was very popular when it was new. That increased the supply, which should have lowered the prices, but didn’t, since Winter is still very desirable. The demand balances the equation. Color and detail vary considerably in Daum Winter vases, so those with the strongest color and the best detail are the most valuable.

A gorgeous example of a Daum Spring scenic vase

I’ve had very few Daum Spring vases over the years as it’s the rarest of the seasons. They are always very pretty, with colorful flowers in the trees.

Front and back photos of a particularly nice Daum Summer night light

Summer seems to be the least desirable of the seasons. I assume that’s because most collectors find them too green and too boring. I can tell you from personal experience, I’ve had great difficulty selling Daum Summer vases, so I avoid them. I’m not trying to discourage anyone from buying one, I’m just telling you the facts from the perspective of a long-time dealer in French cameo glass.

No shows in September, but we’ll be back for the Arlington Park Racetrack Show in October. In the meantime, we’ll travel and find great new items. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show.

I just purchased this fabulous A. Walter Art Deco pate-de-verre working clock

Look around my website. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. I regularly add Tiffany vases, lamps and desk accessories, as well as French cameo glass by Galle and Daum Nancy and Louis Icart etchings. I will be adding more items this week. Here’s the link.

The results of the Baltimore Summer Antiques Fair, August 23-26, 2012

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

It was pretty busy in my booth on Saturday afternoon

It’s 4:40 PM on Sunday afternoon as I write this, with about an hour to go until the 2012 edition of the Baltimore Summer Antiques Fair is over. We had a very fine and interesting show. We made many sales, almost all of them from the showcases. No art sold at all. Most of the sales were American and French art glass, as well as Tiffany Pine Needle and Grapevine items. We sold more items than last year, but the gross was down because no individual item was extremely valuable.

A beautiful Gallé dragonfly box, sold at the show

Attendance was solid throughout the show. You might think that the Friday of any four-day show would be slow, but it wasn’t. There were quite a few people in attendance. For us, business was almost the same each day, except for Sunday, when it was a bit slower. We were rarely bored, as there were many questions and fairly frequent sales, especially to new clients. It was very satisfying to get what we had hoped for.

The center aisle of the show had a moderate number of people on Saturday afternoon

In asking around, the results were mixed. I heard more than a few dealers complain that they had done poorly, while some said their shows were good and a few said they were satisfied. One dealer told me he had his best Baltimore show ever. I’m sure the majority of dealers were satisfied enough to renew their contracts for next year.

No shows in September, but we’ll be back for the Arlington Park Racetrack Show in October. In the meantime, we’ll travel and find great new items. We always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on our website and at every show.

I just purchased this fabulous A. Walter Art Deco pate-de-verre working clock

Look around my website. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. I regularly add Tiffany vases, lamps and desk accessories, as well as French cameo glass by Galle and Daum Nancy and Louis Icart etchings. Just recently, I added about 15 new items. Here’s the link.

The Chicago Summer Antiques Show begins this Friday, August 17, 2012

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

A view of the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center looking northeast, also showing Gibson’s Steakhouse

The summer antique show schedule is half over, with the stronger half about to come. The Chicago Summer Antiques Show will begin this Friday, August 17th, at noon, and continue until Sunday, August 19th, at 5 PM. It’s a show I look forward to for a few reasons. First is to see all of my many clients and friends in the greater Chicago area. Next is the convenience of a show in the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois, very close to the airport. The convention center allows vehicles to drive into their booths, making setup and breakdown easier than many shows. The hotel is across the street and comfortable, with very good restaurants in walking distance. And last, but not least, is that business is usually very good in Chicago.

I will have a very fine selection of Martin Brothers stoneware at the shows

The show has gotten smaller over the years, but has managed to maintain a nice level of quality, with good exhibitors. Many of these same exhibitors will continue on to the big Baltimore show the following weekend, so this is a very good opportunity to get first crack at their offerings. Many antique shows are struggling, so it’s important to attend your favorite ones and consider making a purchase. The success and survival of your local antique show depends on your participation. That doesn’t mean your friend or neighbor, it means you! (AND your friend or neighbor) :>)

A fabulous, rare Schneider Art Deco vase with padded and wheel-carved poppies — one of several very fine examples

Personally, I will be bringing a very strong assortment of American and French glass and lamps. I’ve been very successful in making great purchases in the off-season of May to mid-July. Rarities in Daum, Gallé, Le Verre Francais, Schneider and Tiffany will be part of my display, as well as a strong selection of original Louis Icart etchings. I guarantee you’ll like what you see.

A view of a small part of the Baltimore Summer Antiques Show

Immediately following the Chicago show will be the important Baltimore Summer Antiques Show. It will start on Thursday, August 23rd, at noon and continue for four days until Sunday, August 26th, at 6 PM. This show is one of the best of the year, second only to the Original Miami Beach Antiques Show at the Miami Beach Convention Center in January. It’s big, with some of the world’s best exhibitors, and worth a trip from anywhere. Buyers fly in from Europe, Japan, South America, Canada, and all over the United States. The selection of hotels and restaurants is diverse and first-class. If you’ve never visited this show, I strongly recommend it. You’ll thank me.

Look around my website. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. I regularly add Tiffany vases, lamps and desk accessories, as well as French cameo glass by Galle and Daum Nancy and Louis Icart etchings. Just recently, I added about 15 new items. Here’s the link.

What’s new at

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

Traditionally, May and June are very quiet months in the antiques business, at least for show exhibitors — there are no shows of any consequence. People get spring fever, so they’re more concerned with making their summer travel plans or planting their gardens than they are with antiques. It’s the perfect time for a little R&R and to replenish our inventory. We look high and low to find good items — we travel, we buy from private homes, we make careful purchases at auction and usually wind up with some great new items for our summer shows. This year is no exception. Here are a few examples.

Very desirable Gallé blownout vase with purple grapes

Gallé blownout vases are rarer and more desirable than conventional cameo glass. They’re usually difficult to find, especially with good color. I’ve been lucky, so now I can offer for sale several superior examples, including fuchsia, grapes, and water lilies.

Killer Daum Nancy farm scenic vase

The market in top quality Daum Nancy vases, especially with acid-etching and enameling, has been hot for many years. It doesn’t come better than rain or farm scenics. I’ve got a gorgeous rain tumbler and a killer farm scenic vase.

Rare and beautiful Schneider vase with applied and wheel-carved poppies

The market in better Schneider and Le Verre Français glass is picking up, after having been very slow for a few years. And rightfully so, because it’s wonderful glass. I’ve got some of the top examples, including two killer Schneider vases with padded and wheel-carved decoration.

You won’t recognize our booth, we’ve got so many new items, so please take the time to visit us at our two Los Angeles area shows. This may be the last time we exhibit at these shows. It’s very expensive to travel cross-country, so if we can’t sell enough to make it worth our time and expense, we won’t be back. If you want to continue to see antique shows in the greater Los Angeles area, you’ve got to support them. That means visit your favorite dealers and BUY something. Compliments, though much appreciated, do not pay the bills. We’ve stopped exhibiting in several cities where the locals didn’t support the shows, and Los Angeles could be next. Please visit the Redondo Beach and Pasadena shows and support your favorite dealers.

The dates of the Redondo Beach, CA antique show are July 27-29. In the meantime, we’re still very much in business. Don’t hesitate to call or write, and let us know what you’d like to buy, sell, or trade.


Come visit us in Redondo Beach, July 27-29

Look around my website. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. I regularly add Tiffany vases, lamps and desk accessories, as well as French cameo glass by Galle and Daum Nancy and Louis Icart etchings. Just recently, I added about 10 new items. I’ve listed those and more will be coming this week. Here’s the link.

James D. Julia’s Important Lamp & Glass sale grosses $1.1 million, June 20-21, 2012

My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

James D. Julia, Inc. held their Important Lamp & Glass sale on June 20-21, 2012. The results weren’t stellar, but not terrible either. A fair number of items did not reach reserve, but those items that did sell added up to the respectable figure of approximately $1.1 million.

Rare Tiffany Favrile black decorated vase, Julia's lot #2366

The top Tiffany Favrile glass lot of the sale was #2366, a 12″ black vase with busy blue decoration around the shoulder. Estimated to sell for $10,000 – $15,000, it more than doubled its low estimate to sell for $25,300, including buyer’s premium.

Rare Daum Nancy Prairie vase, Julia's lot #2141

French glass did OK at the sale, with a rare Daum Nancy Prairie vase, pictured on the cover of the catalog, leading the way. Sold as lot #2141, it sold within the estimate of $10,000 – $15,000 to reach $14,950. Prairie vases are rare, beautiful and desirable. This example was fresh from a private home.

Fancy 29½" Moser vase, Julia's lot #1458

Moser glass has been selling well at auction for about a year. This sale was no exception, with strong prices, mostly above the high estimates. Lot #1458 brought the most money, though within the estimate of $20,000 – $30,000. Even with a professional restoration to the foot, it realized a price of $26,450.

For the complete results of the sale, you’ll have to sign in to the site. Click on the following link. Julia’s Important Lamp & Glass results.

Our next show won’t be until July 27-29, in Redondo Beach, CA, but we’re still very much in business. Don’t hesitate to call or write, and let me know what you’d like to buy, sell, or trade.


Very fine, internally decorated Burgun & Schverer vase, just in

Look around my website. There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. I regularly add Tiffany vases, lamps and desk accessories, as well as French cameo glass by Galle and Daum Nancy and Louis Icart etchings. Just this past week, I added about 10 new items. Here’s the link.