My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

Jamie S. Reynolds
The following is a guest post by Jamie S. Reynolds, daughter of Gwen Stebbins of, a Michigan dealer with over thirty years’ experience. Please feel free to contact her with your questions about Tiffany desk sets. or
Having known Phil Chasen my entire life, I jumped at the chance to contribute when asked to be a guest on his blog. Hopefully you will check back in the future for additional Tiffany Studios articles. –Jamie

Tiffany Grapevine stamp box, marked “41”

Much is made of signatures (typically for good reason!) in the world of Tiffany Studios desk set pieces, but with light research and deduction, it can be fairly easy to make sense of what seems to be anomalous. Most Tiffany desk set pieces bear a three or four-digit registration number along with the “TIFFANY STUDIOS” or “TIFFANY STUDIOS NEW YORK” stamp, while others are simply marked with the studio name. Three and four-digit numbers correspond to individual items. For instance “801” refers to
Etched Metal & Glass (Grapevine or Pine Needle) stamp boxes. What confuses some people are the pieces with two-digit numbers. Apparently the two-digit numbers were used for assembly, as many of Tiffany’s desk items were complicated and constructed of multiple pieces. The separate pieces typically bear an assembly number somewhere, usually hidden once constructed.

Tiffany Grapevine box marked “801”
Above is a Tiffany Studios stamp box in the classic Grapevine pattern, with registration number 801. While signatures (or lack thereof) are not the sole defining characteristic of Tiffany desk set pieces, a basic understanding of them can easily help a collector choose pieces that are correct but seem anomalous or, on the other hand, avoid pieces that do not coincide with any published information.

Denver, July 15-17, 2016
No shows until July, when we’ll be in Denver for the Denver World Wide Antique Show, July 15-17, 2016. In the meantime, we’re very much in business, so call or email me with your wants or items for sale. If you have what I’m looking for, I’m paying the highest prices. My decisions are quick and my payments just as quick. Just snap a photo and email it to me.
I always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on my website and at every show. I will continue to list more as often as possible. Please click here to take a look.There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. And remember to keep reading my blog.