What’s new at Philip Chasen Antiques?

I’m frequently too busy to list new items on my website. It’s poor business on my part because I make more sales when I do. But there’s only one of me, so there isn’t much I can do about it. There are only so many hours in a day and I try to strike a balance in my life. This week I’m making an intense effort to list some of the great new items I’ve
recently acquired. Following are a few.

Daum Nancy 11″ Daisy vase

Daum is always high on my list of new items. The quality is outstanding and the market is strong. The Daisy vase pictured above is a truly outstanding example of Daum’s best work. Imagine applying molten glass to a vase while it’s being formed. It has to be carefully planned so the flowers come out in the right places. First a gob of white glass was applied, followed by a gob of yellow glass on top of that. After cooling, the gobs of applied glass didn’t look much like flowers, but the carver took care of that. He used a spinning, engraving tool to carve away the excess glass to make beautiful, realistic, 3-dimensional flowers. The resulting Daum vase is outstanding.

Tiffany Studios 10-light lily table lamp

I usually have at least one Tiffany lily lamp for sale at any given time, but I had none for a few months as I sold all that I had. I recently was able to purchase a very fine 10-light lily. What makes one example better than another? Two answers — the quality of the shades and the finish on the base. This lamp excels on both counts. The lily shades are beautiful and extremely well-matched. The original patina on the base is stunning — rich chocolate brown with green highlights. Patina doesn’t get much better than this. Of course all the shades are signed, as well as the base. The porcelain sockets are all original and the lamp has been professionally rewired. It’s one of the finest examples I’ve ever had for sale.

Gallé blownout Rowanberry vase

Recently I had as many as a dozen different Gallé blownout vases for sale, but slowly but surely that number is dwindling. I now have about six different examples for sale. The example above is the latest, called Rowanberry, part of the rose family. I think Gallé took artistic license with this vase as all the photos I’ve been able to find show the berries as orange or red. Regardless, it’s rare and beautiful, with no grinding (as found on too many examples).

I’ll keep working this week to add more items. Keep tuned to my website and don’t forget to email me with any questions.

No shows until October 20, 2022, when we’ll exhibit at the Baltimore Art, Antique & Jewelry Show. Two weeks later we’ll exhibit at the Antiques + Modernism Show in Winnetka, IL, starting on November 4, 2022.

Cottone Auctions sold some nice Tiffany Studios lamps and glass at its Fine Art & Antiques sale, March 23, 2019

Cottone Auctions held a Fine Art & Antiques sale yesterday, March 23, 2019. Included in the sale was a nice selection of Tiffany Studios lamps and glass and one very nice Daum Nancy vase. Following is a review of those items.

Tiffany Studios 22″ diameter Bamboo table lamp, Cottone lot #55

A Tiffany Studios 22″ diameter Bamboo table lamp, lot #55, sold a little below its estimate of $75,000 – $125,000, realizing $85,550, including buyer’s premium. The result appeared weak, as bamboo lamps have sold for considerably more at the major NYC auction houses.

Tiffany Studios Favrile Cypriote vase, Cottone lot #58

A very nice Tiffany Studios 9″ Favrile Cypriote vase, lot #58, sold for a good price, within its estimate of $20,000 – $40,000, realizing $36,580, including buyer’s premium.

Other Tiffany Studios objects did well. A very fine 7″ deep blue Favrile lamp sold for $16,520 (lot #59); an unusual 14″ diameter Arrowroot table lamp sold for $61,950 (lot #60); and a red Art Deco desk set sold for $15,930 (lot #70).

Daum Nancy Fall vase, Cottone lot #133

There was only one Daum Nancy vase in the sale, but it was a good one — a nice Fall scenic, 9¾” tall. It sold within its estimated range of $7,000 – $10,000, realizing $10,620, including buyer’s premium. Unfortunately I was unprepared to bid at the auction because we had just returned from vacation, but I probably would not have bought this vase as the price was a bit too high for a dealer.

The complete results can be found by clicking here. You will have to sign into LiveAuctioneers to see the prices.

No shows until October 20, 2022, when we’ll exhibit at the Baltimore Art, Antique & Jewelry Show. Two weeks later we’ll exhibit at the Antiques + Modernism Show in Winnetka, IL, starting on November 4, 2022.

Seeing nature in Chile as inspiration for Art Nouveau

We are just finishing our trip to Argentina and Chile. Everywhere we went, I was reminded of the role of nature in the works of American and French companies from the Art Nouveau period.

Copihue is the national flower of Chile
Tiffany Studios Favrile glass lily shade

Lapageria rosea, known locally as Chilean bellflower or Copihue, is the national flower of Chile. We found this exceptionally beautiful flower on a walk through a nature reserve near Pucón, Chile. My first thought was that it’s the same size and shape as a Tiffany Studios lily shade, even more so than real lily flowers.

A rocky river near Pucón, Chile
Handel Rocky River lamp

The same day we came across a beautiful rocky river, which immediately reminded me of one of Handel’s most beautiful lamps.

Small wonder that I love Art Nouveau.

The sun was setting over the Volcán (Volcano) Osorno near Puerto Varas, Chile

BTW, if you’re wondering where to go for your next adventure, I suggest the Patagonia region of Argentina and the lake and volcanoes area of Chile. You can drive from one to the other in a few hours. Great food and hotels are dirt cheap on the Argentine side and a little more expensive on the Chilean side, but still quite reasonable. You’ll thank me!

No shows until October 20, 2022, when we’ll exhibit at the Baltimore Art, Antique & Jewelry Show. Two weeks later we’ll exhibit at the Antiques + Modernism Show in Winnetka, IL, starting on November 4, 2022.

A Tiffany Studios lamp was sold at a French auction (sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it’s not)

No new post this Monday. We’re on vacation.

Tiffany Studios Lotus lamp, Tajan lot #31

It’s not often that Tiffany Studios lamps are sold at auction in Europe. So I was surprised that a French auction house, Tajan, was selling one, a Tiffany Lotus lamp, at their sale in Paris last November 20, 2018. The final sale price of €93,600 ($106,122), including buyer’s premium, easily exceeded the pre-sale estimate of €40,000 – €60,000.

But was it a good price compared to what it might have brought if it had sold at a major American auction house? Not if you look at the result of a fairly recent Sotheby’s New York sale, Tiffany: Dreaming in Glass, December 13, 2017. A green example sold for $375,000, against a pre-sale estimate of $120,000 – $180,000.

So the way I see it, one of two things happened. Either someone got a great deal on an authentic lamp or got ripped off on a reproduction. I wasn’t there to inspect the lamp, so I have no idea. I can only hope it was the former.

No shows until October 20, 2022, when we’ll exhibit at the Baltimore Art, Antique & Jewelry Show. Two weeks later we’ll exhibit at the Antiques + Modernism Show in Winnetka, IL, starting on November 4, 2022.

Some interesting results at Rago Auctions’ Early 20th C. Design sale, January 19, 2019

Rago Auctions held an Early 20th C. Design sale on January 19, 2019. Included in the sale was a nice selection of Martin Brothers stoneware, as well as a diverse selection of ceramics and glass.

Martin Brothers 16″ stoneware bird, Rago lot #1

The top lot of the sale was a tall (16″) Martin Brothers stoneware bird tobacco jar. Estimated to sell for $40,000 – $60,000, it realized the low estimate of $40,000 + buyer’s premium = $50,000. My opinion is that it would have sold for more if it had had more character.

George Ohr vase, Rago lot #48

A George Ohr vase, lot #48, took second place with an attractive double-sectioned vase, 6¼” tall. It sold for many times its high estimate of $9,000, realizing $46,875, including buyer’s premium.

Tiffany Studios lantern, Rago lot #391

The selection of Tiffany Studios lamps and glass was limited. Lot #391, a Turtleback hall lantern, performed best among this group. It sold slightly above its high estimate of $20,000, realizing $26,250, including buyer’s premium. Personally I thought it was awful and wouldn’t have bought it at any price, but the bidders did not ask me first. How’s that possible?

For the complete results of the sale, click here.

No shows until October 20, 2022, when we’ll exhibit at the Baltimore Art, Antique & Jewelry Show. Two weeks later we’ll exhibit at the Antiques + Modernism Show in Winnetka, IL, starting on November 4, 2022.

The results of the 32nd National Arts & Crafts Conference at the Omni Grove Park Inn, Asheville, NC, February 15-17, 2019

There was a big line just before opening on Friday

What a difference a year makes. By the end of the first day last year we had big smiles on our faces. This year we had frowns. A lot of the key players were missing this year, for one reason or another, so the first day was a downer. We made a couple of sales, but nothing important.

There were lots of folks in our booth on Friday

Saturday was a lot like last year. The attendees were a lot less knowledgeable than on Friday, so many of the questions were naive. We answered them as patiently as we could.

One woman purchased her first ever Daum Nancy vase without even knowing the first thing about French cameo glass or Daum or me. She just liked it. That was brave of her and a lovely surprise for me. I’m happy to say she chose well and will be very happy with her purchase.

Sunday wasn’t any better. We made one small sale in the morning. Two of our very good clients who usually show up on Sunday didn’t come this year. Amazingly every one of our good clients did not show up to the show. The stars were not aligned. We went from our best Grove Park show last year to our worst this year. It’s the first show in a very long time where we didn’t even meet our expenses. Sometimes you’re the dog and sometimes you’re the hydrant. :>(

No shows until October 20, 2022, when we’ll exhibit at the Baltimore Art, Antique & Jewelry Show. Two weeks later we’ll exhibit at the Antiques + Modernism Show in Winnetka, IL, starting on November 4, 2022.

The 32nd National Arts & Crafts Conference at the Omni Grove Park Inn will open this Friday, February 15, 2019

The 32nd National Arts & Crafts Conference, at the Omni Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC, will open to the public this Friday, February 15th, at 1 PM, and continue until Sunday, February 17th, at 4 PM.

I wish all antique shows had the vibe of this one. It’s warm and inviting, with enthusiastic buyers, most of whom travel from afar. It’s all contained in the Grove Park Inn itself, a wonderful 1913 masterpiece of a hotel. Picture a line of rocking chairs, in front of a gigantic boulder fireplace, with wood crackling in the fire, in a cavernous Arts & Crafts lobby, guests rocking leisurely, chatting, with a glass of wine. Lovely, no?

Tiffany Studios Tyler Scroll table lamp

We sold many lamps in Miami Beach, so we restocked for Grove Park. Mainly we added several Tiffany Studios geometric table lamps. Arts & Crafts collectors prefer geometric designs over floral designs to complement their interiors. We’ll have two Acorns, one Lemon Leaf and one Tyler Scroll, in addition to several florals.

If you’ve never visited the Grove Park Inn, you’ll want to come during this show. I promise you’ll thank me!

No shows until October 20, 2022, when we’ll exhibit at the Baltimore Art, Antique & Jewelry Show. Two weeks later we’ll exhibit at the Antiques + Modernism Show in Winnetka, IL, starting on November 4, 2022.

The results of the Original Miami Beach Antiques Show, January 26-29, 2019

We are on vacation next week, so no new post for the week of February 4, 2019.

The Original Miami Beach Antiques Show ended yesterday after a 4-day run that started this past Saturday. I, for one, am extremely pleased.

We sold this rare Tiffany Studios lamp at the show

After selling six Tiffany lamps on Sunday, I sold another Tiffany lamp and a Handel lamp on Monday, for a total of eight lamps. I’m pretty sure that’s a personal record. And we didn’t just sell lamps. We sold glass, bronze, porcelain and etchings. Amazingly, most of the sales were to new buyers, including some who weren’t senior citizens. That was quite refreshing.

The newly renovated Miami Beach Convention Center

The return to the Miami Beach Convention Center was well received. Attendance was excellent every day (except Tuesday, the last day), after very slow starts each morning (except opening day). We made no sales on Tuesday, but still finished with a superb show.

We’re looking forward to next year’s show, but are concerned about the effects of the very early dates in January. Right now, the show is scheduled to open on Sunday, January 5, 2020, with a possible opening on Saturday, January 4, at 3 PM. It would be a huge mistake not to open for a full day on Saturday, so I hope management will come to their senses and realize the importance.

Now we’re off for a couple of weeks of R&R before we head to Asheville, NC for our favorite show of the year, The 32nd National Arts & Crafts Conference at the Omni Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC, February 15-17, 2019. If you’ve never been to this show, make plans NOW. You’ll thank me.

An interim report on the Original Miami Beach Antiques Show, January 26-27, 2019

There were three lines of guests at the opening of the show on Saturday with approximately 500 attendees

The Original Miami Beach Antiques Show opened to the public this past Saturday at the newly renovated Miami Beach Convention Center. Opening day, Saturday, was a good day with excellent attendance and interest and with commensurate sales. What a difference a week makes.

We sold this important Daum Nancy vase with applied and wheel-carved daisies at the show

Sunday started very slowly. There’s never a good reason to open at 11 AM on a Sunday, but most promoters think they know better. As the day went by, attendance picked up considerably, as well as interest and sales, including French glass and especially Tiffany lamps. We sold six Tiffany lamps in one day. Wowza!

One of six Tiffany Studios lamps we sold on Sunday

The show is already a success with only two days of business. Hopefully we can do some business on Monday and Tuesday, as well. Ordinarily I post once a week on Monday, but I will post again this Wednesday with the final results of the show. So tune in on Wednesday.

No shows until October 20, 2022, when we’ll exhibit at the Baltimore Art, Antique & Jewelry Show. Two weeks later we’ll exhibit at the Antiques + Modernism Show in Winnetka, IL, starting on November 4, 2022.

The results of the Miami Antiques + Art + Design Show, January 18-20, 2019

There were about 75 people on line at the opening of the show on Friday morning

When a show is slow, it gives me time to write a contemporaneous account of the activity. Unfortunately, the show is very slow, allowing me the time to write this blog.

Friday, 1 PM. There were about 75 people on line at the opening, but they quickly dissolved into the show space. I had a few serious questions about a bronze and a Tiffany & Co. clock, but no sales as of the moment.

We sold this lovely Gallé blue floral box at the show

Friday, 7 PM. The show was dreadfully slow today, but we did manage to make one sale of a lovely Gallé box. I spent most of the day sending photographs of items in the show to my best clients. At least I was successful making sales there.

Saturday, 1 PM. The show has been just as slow today as yesterday. No serious inquiries and no sales as of this moment.

There were a few stragglers by my booth on Saturday afternoon

Saturday, 7 PM. The day has been fairly tortuous. Very few people and no sales. What a difference from last year, when attendance, interest and sales were significantly better. Just hope that Sunday will be better or this show will end up a disaster.

Sunday, 1 PM. Why the show opened at 11 AM is beyond me. No one comes to a show on Sunday morning. You could have bowled in the aisles it was so empty.

I did have one serious inquiry recently. Got my fingers crossed it will lead to a sale.

Important, museum-quality Tiffany Studios Aquamarine vase with water lily decoration

Sunday, 6 PM. The show is closed. Our serious inquiry led to a sale, so we had only two sales for the entire show. Since one was an important Tiffany Studios Aquamarine vase, the show was a financial success, but it certainly felt like a failure. It’s no fun sitting at a show for three days, open 23 hours to the public, and twiddling my thumbs most of the time because so few people attended.

Next year the Miami show schedule will be turned on its head. The Original Miami Beach Antique Show will be held January 5-9, 2020, Sunday-Thursday, with a possible opening at 3 PM on Saturday. Personally I think that’s terrible. We would need a full day open to the public on Saturday, the same as this year. The show is also going back to five days, from four presently.

The Miami Airport Show is scheduled for three weeks later. That means that we have to set up the Miami Beach show just after New Year’s and then wait around for three weeks until the Airport show. That will be very difficult. I’ll keep you posted if anything changes.

No shows until October 20, 2022, when we’ll exhibit at the Baltimore Art, Antique & Jewelry Show. Two weeks later we’ll exhibit at the Antiques + Modernism Show in Winnetka, IL, starting on November 4, 2022.