The 32nd National Arts & Crafts Conference, at the Omni Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC, will open to the public this Friday, February 15th, at 1 PM, and continue until Sunday, February 17th, at 4 PM.
I wish all antique shows had the vibe of this one. It’s warm and inviting, with enthusiastic buyers, most of whom travel from afar. It’s all contained in the Grove Park Inn itself, a wonderful 1913 masterpiece of a hotel. Picture a line of rocking chairs, in front of a gigantic boulder fireplace, with wood crackling in the fire, in a cavernous Arts & Crafts lobby, guests rocking leisurely, chatting, with a glass of wine. Lovely, no?

We sold many lamps in Miami Beach, so we restocked for Grove Park. Mainly we added several Tiffany Studios geometric table lamps. Arts & Crafts collectors prefer geometric designs over floral designs to complement their interiors. We’ll have two Acorns, one Lemon Leaf and one Tyler Scroll, in addition to several florals.
If you’ve never visited the Grove Park Inn, you’ll want to come during this show. I promise you’ll thank me!

Hi Philip,
I avidly collect Tiffany tiles and glass jewels. If you ever have any for sale, can you please contact me.
Don Barton