Tiffany Studios 12-light lily floor lamp
It was a good show. It was a bad show. Attendance was fair at the show, with a bunch of questions, lots of compliments, and very few sales. Until Sunday afternoon, the show was going poorly. Many of the dealers were also complaining (but a few weren’t). Enter my loyal client who was looking at an important lamp since Friday. After a bit of negotiation, the sale was made. Good show.
So why was it a bad (lucky) show? A good show is one where business is composed of many sales that add up to a good total. A lucky show is one where few sales add up to the same good total. I’d much rather have a good show than a lucky one. It’s very stressful to sit at a show for many hours without making a sale. Good shows are fun and not stressful.
Thanks to all my loyal clients. You know who you are. Without you, business would be very difficult at this time, so your loyalty is especially appreciated.
We’ll be back in the Los Angeles area in about 10 days for the August 6-8, 2010 Pasadena Antiques Show. If you missed us at Redondo Beach, we’d love to see you in Pasadena.
I recently added over 10 Galle vases to my website, 7 Tiffany lamps, 1 Grueby vase, 1 Newcomb vase, Daum Nancy glass and a fabulous Burgun & Schverer internally decorated vase. This coming week, I’ll be adding many new items. Please take a look. Click on this link chasenantiques.com.
Please send me your comments or questions about art glass, lamps, Louis Icart, shows, auctions, etc. If it’s interesting, I’ll answer you in a future blog.