Tiffany Studios Pine Needle clock
Tiffany Studios desk sets have become quite popular in the last few years. I think publication of the Kemeny book on Tiffany desk sets galvanized public interest. Since the publication of the book, prices have gone up 10-fold on many items. Some of the items show up repeatedly, so it’s a kick for me when I find a rarity. Even the rarities are still priced within many collector’s budgets, with a high of about $10,000 for most, except the nearly impossible-to-find Pond Lily pattern. Some of you may remember that a set of six Pond Lily desk items sold for over $200,000 at an auction in North Carolina about 2 years ago.
The Pine Needle pattern has become more popular in the last year or so. A clock is one of the items that’s quite rare in any Tiffany desk set. The pictured example had a beautiful patina.

Tiffany Studios Grapevine set
I never knew a combination tray, inkwell, wax seal, matchbox holder, and pen existed, until I was offered this one. This particular example was complete and had one of the best original patinas one could ask for. I wish I had 10 more, but then it wouldn’t be quite as rare.

Tiffany Studios clock with signs of the Zodiac
This clock is not part of the Zodiac pattern but it does have the signs of the Zodiac. It’s quite rare and in stupendous condition with colorful original enameling. Some Tiffany desk set items come with or without enameling. The rarer ones are enameled and those where the enameling is in great original condition are the rarest of all.
Please send me your suggestions or questions about art glass, lamps, Louis Icart, shows, auctions, etc. If it’s interesting, I’ll answer your question in a future blog entry.
Call or write and let me know what you would like to buy, sell, or trade. philchasen@gmail or 516-922-2090. And please visit my website. chasenantiques.com