My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.
The Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show has been open to the public since last Thursday and will remain open until tomorrow, Tuesday, at 6 PM. Following is a contemporaneous account of the show.
Thursday, opening day, 2:15 PM
The show started with very few people, probably because there were so many attendees the previous night at the preview party. It got more crowded as the day progressed, but the quality of the inquiries has been poor. No sales. One potential sale.
Thursday, 7 PM
The first day is over and it’s been quite disappointing. Only one small sale. Attendance petered out later in the day. Hopefully things will improve or this show will result in a loss of both time and money.

Friday, 2:30 PM, in my booth
Surprisingly, attendance seems better today than opening day. The quality of the inquiries has been better and there’s hope for some sales later in the day, but none as of now.

We sold this important Daum Nancy Impressionist vase at the show
Strange day. Didn’t work out at all the way I thought it would. None of the early clients returned to make a purchase. However, one of my clients who hasn’t purchased anything in a few years made a special trip to visit the show and made a major purchase. So the day ended well. It’s still scary that we’ve made only two total sales.

4 PM Saturday. That’s my booth on the left.
Attendance has been good, but not with the right people. Too many people are looking to appraise their own items and are not interested in purchasing. A man who spent 30 minutes with us yesterday because he was “interested” in a bronze, came in today to tell me he disagrees with my attribution of the artist and showed me photos of his identical bronze. Give me a break! Some people are clueless.
Saturday, 7 PM
What a depressing day. Lots of people walking by, but nobody serious. PBSG gives out thousands and thousands of free tickets, so why not come and visit a prestigious antique show if you don’t have to pay? Great for the public. Awful for the exhibitors.
Sunday, 1:30 PM
Attendance is better today than any previous day. We’ve had some good early interest, but so far everyone is a “be back”. Hopefully this day will end better.

We sold this fine Tiffany Studios inkwell on Sunday
The show clouds parted and the sun shone. Thank goodness we finally had a decent day. We still haven’t made our expenses, but at least it’s not a disaster.
You still have until tomorrow to visit the show. Please accept two free tickets by clicking on the image below.
Tune in Thursday for the final results.
The National Arts & Crafts Conference will run from February 19-21. It’s a beautiful show in an amazing 1910 historic hotel. The focus is Arts & Crafts, both antique and new. It’s a very pleasant show that we enjoy doing. Attendees fly in from all over the US.
I’ve been quite busy buying and selling recently, partly because I’ve listed many new items on my website. I need to buy more, so if you have something great, please offer it to me. I am paying the highest prices of any dealer. My decisions are quick and my payments just as quick. Just snap a photo and email me a jpeg.
I always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on my website and at every show. I will continue to list more as often as possible. Please click here to take a look.There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. And remember to keep reading my blog.