My booth at the Denver Antiques Show, 2:20 PM, Sunday afternoon
2:20 PM Sunday. Although attendance has been decent throughout the show, sales have been poor (read non-existent) since Friday afternoon. So based on the results to this minute, we will not be returning to exhibit in Denver. Should something dramatic happen in the last few hours of the show, I will be pleased to change my mind. It’s too bad that the locals don’t buy enough to support the show. Denver is a nice city and Colorado is a beautiful state, but business is business.
5:00 PM, Sunday. The show just closed and sales for the day were $30. Two out of the three shows in Denver were not good, so we have decided not to return to Denver.
I spoke to several dealers and each and every one told me the show didn’t go well. That’s how shows fail. A vicious cycle begins when the dealers can’t sell enough to warrant returning. The show gets smaller, the public is disappointed, and round and round it goes until the show fails. Cleveland used to be a wonderful city to exhibit many years ago, especially at the Cleveland Coliseum, halfway between Cleveland and Akron. Now all of the shows there have failed and there is no decent antique show in the area.
Now we’re on to the Redondo Beach Antiques Show, just south of Los Angeles, this coming weekend, July 23-25, 2010. That show has been shrinking every year, but business is usually decent. I’ve met some of my best clients there, so I hope it doesn’t fail. Apparently that isn’t the case for the other dealers, as many have dropped out. The antiques show business has become tough, with only the best shows surviving in major cities like Miami, New York, Chicago and Baltimore.

Tiffany Studios 12-light lily floor lamp
I’m bringing some amazing items to the Redondo Beach show, including a Tiffany 12-light lily floor lamp. Tiffany lily lamps are not rare, but lily floor lamps are. It’s only the second one that I’ve had for sale in the last 35 years. I’ve got another six Tiffany floor lamps, as well as a superb collection of table lamps that I’ve recently acquired. In addition, I’m bringing a wonderful selection of Tiffany, Galle and Daum Nancy glass, and American art pottery, including some great examples of Grueby, Newcomb College, Marblehead, and George Ohr.
Please come and visit me at the Redondo Beach Antiques Show and introduce yourself.
I recently added over 10 Galle vases to my website, 7 Tiffany lamps, 1 Grueby vase, 1 Newcomb vase, Daum Nancy glass and a fabulous Burgun & Schverer internally decorated vase. This coming week, I’ll be adding many new items. Please take a look. Click on this link chasenantiques.com.
Please send me your comments or questions about art glass, lamps, Louis Icart, shows, auctions, etc. If it’s interesting, I’ll answer you in a future blog.