My goal is to publish new posts twice a week — Mondays and Thursdays. However, if you don’t see a new post on Thursday, it’s because I was too busy, so please look for a new one the following Monday.

Daum vase with applied snail
I was offered an important Daum vase by a gentleman who found me through my website. The decoration of applied grapes and snail was just what I was looking for — important, desirable and priced right. I agreed to buy the vase. We met in Manhattan, where we were to consummate the deal. I really wanted this to go well because there would have been a good payday as a result.

Another view. Looks great in the photo. Doesn’t it?
The first thing I did was to closely inspect the applied snail. If there was going to be a problem, that’s where it was likely to be. The two usual problems are either damage to the antennae or regluing of the entire snail. This was a different problem. The head of the snail looked odd, misshapen and rough. I knew there was a problem from the get-go and was determined to figure it out. On close inspection, I found a seam between the head and the body. (Original snails do not have seams.) Apparently a restorer along the way had removed the entire head (almost certainly due to damage) and replaced it with another, carved to resemble the original. It would easily have passed muster with most people, but I’m not most people. Do you think you would have known if you had purchased this vase? I doubt it. I venture to guess that most people would not have discovered a professional restoration, nor even thought to look for one (and been stuck with the vase as a result).
I felt this individual had been duped and wasn’t trying to fool me, as he seemed genuinely surprised at my finding. It was very disappointing to both of us. The good part is you’re not going to buy it. I act like a filter, filtering out fake, repaired, ugly, unimportant, and common items. If I’m offering it for sale, it’s passed my inspection. And that’s why you buy from me.

Denver, July 15-17, 2016
The Denver World Wide Antique Show is close at hand, July 15-17, 2016. If you’re in the area, please make the time to come and visit. In the meantime, we’re very much in business, so call or email me with your wants or items for sale. If you have what I’m looking for, I’m paying the highest prices. My decisions are quick and my payments just as quick. Just snap a photo and email it to me.
I always strive to offer the finest objects for sale on my website and at every show. I will continue to list more as often as possible. Please click here to take a look.There are many items for sale, sold items with prices and free lessons about glass and lamps. And remember to keep reading my blog.
Hello Philip,
I am a private collector of Daum Nancy vases in the U.K.
The black grapes on the vine with the snails is such an iconic piece
i feel confident that many such vases were never meant to have snails
However, if I a snail vase has only one snail, is it most likely that one has been removed or were some vases only meant to have one snail ?