Saturday, 1/23/10, at the Original Miami Beach Antiques Show
I’m writing this post on Sunday, with two days left to the show, but I can already give a basic report on the show results. Attendance was very strong for the first three days and included a good number of foreign buyers, but crowded aisles is not enough. It has to be accompanied by good sales, and sales were excellent. After speaking to quite a few dealers, strong results were almost universal. I personally spoke to only one dealer who said she was having a poor show. Unfortunately, there are always some dealers who don’t do well. It’s part of the normal distribution curve of results. Thankfully, this time the curve was skewed to the good side. So now I’ve exhibited in two shows in 2010 and both results were good. It’s starting to appear that business is returning to normal, a nice change from the relatively soft business of 2009.

Louis Icart oil painting 'Rendezvous dans le Parc'
Sales were good in many categories, including R. Lalique glass, Rookwood pottery, Tiffany lily lamps and Icart oil paintings. No one category was especially strong, with sales distributed evenly over many categories. That’s noteworthy as a good indicator of improving business.
I’m taking a lot of time to add new items to my website. I’ve already listed new items under Gallé glass (including a blownout vase), Daum Nancy glass and Tiffany Studios glass. Soon I’ll be adding many Tiffany Studios desk pieces. Please take a look, as every day I’m adding more. Click on this link chasenantiques.com.
Please send me your suggestions or questions about art glass, lamps, Louis Icart, shows, auctions, etc. If it’s interesting, I’ll answer your question in a future blog entry.
Call or write and let me know what you would like to buy, sell, or trade. philchasen@gmail.com or
516-922-2090. And please visit my website. chasenantiques.com