Sunday at the Denver Antiques Show
What a difference a city makes. After two very good shows in Chicago, I was cautiously optimistic about my show in Denver. This was my second time in Denver after having exhibited there this past July. That show went well enough for me to want to try Denver a second time. I can now report that Denver is not Chicago. Big surprise. It’s not for lack of attendance. There were quite a few people at the show, but there was a distinct lack of sophistication. Most of the people strolling by had no concept of what they were viewing. With a paucity of educated questions, it was highly unlikely that I could make a sale. Unfortunately that was the case.
Day 1. One small sale. Not only was business poor, but I had to raise my voice to an elderly gentleman who was opening my showcase without permission (he was quite hard of hearing). As many of you know, that is verboten in my booth (and most everybody else’s too). Day 2. One book sold. A rotten day. To make things worse, I was busy all day bidding on the telephone at the Skinner auction of the Richard Wright collection. Prices were on fire in Boston, with little business in Denver. It was an interesting juxtaposition. Day 3. One book sold. A lady asked me the price of a Tiffany Dragonfly lamp “just for fun”. When I told her the price, she started laughing hysterically. Lady, I’m having a tough day. Go away! Later a good client called to tell me she wasn’t feeling well and couldn’t attend the show, nor could she make up her mind yet about a prospective purchase. Some days it doesn’t pay to get out of bed.
I was thinking of exhibiting in Denver again in March, 2010, but that won’t be the case. I will give the city another shot in July, 2010, on the way out west to my shows in Redondo Beach and Pasadena. My plan will be to exhibit there every July if the next one works for me. If not, goodbye Denver. It’s a nice show, so I hope it works out.
Please send me your suggestions or questions about art glass, lamps, Louis Icart, shows, auctions, etc. If it’s interesting, I’ll answer your question in a future blog entry.
Call or write and let me know what you would like to buy, sell, or trade. philchasen@gmail.com or 516-922-2090. And please visit my website. chasenantiques.com