Read the directions. Good advice. We didn’t follow it.
The show set up today, but setup is usually two days and the show three days, so we booked our flight to Chicago for Tuesday, so we could set up on Wednesday. Then we got a call from Bill, our employee, informing us that the show sets up on Thursday. Oh well! It could have been worse. We had Wednesday free in Chicago, so we relaxed. Brunch was at Toast. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a great place for breakfast. There’s a wait on weekends, but no problem on a dreary Wednesday. The eggs Benedict were to die for. The mascarpone filled French toast was equally fantastic. The gym in the afternoon, followed by a professional massage. Dinner at Tiparos Thai Restaurant on Clark St. — very good, not great. It was a tough day, but somebody has to do it.

Setting up at the Chicago Summer Antiques Show
Today, Thursday, was setup day, but we were under pressure to get it done in one day. Nottt! Read the directions! The show doesn’t open to the public until 5 PM on Friday, so we have most of the day on Friday to continue setting up. It took a lot of pressure off the setup when we finally found out.
The show is small but good quality, with a number of west coast dealers who are on the way to Baltimore next week. It’s an opportunity to see their items before the big show. It’s in an up and coming neighborhood called SONO, which stands for south of North Ave. I have never seen so many young mothers and children in one neighborhood in my whole life. There’s lots of construction, so the neighborhood won’t look the same in a few years.
Come visit the show and see what’s available. I’ve brought some treasures, so I’m looking forward to seeing you there and showing them to you.
Monday, I’ll blog about the results. Should be an interesting show because of the change of venue. I don’t have any idea what to expect.
Please send me your suggestions or questions about art glass, lamps, Louis Icart, shows, auctions, etc. If it’s interesting, I’ll answer your question in a future blog entry.
Call or write and let me know what you would like to buy, sell, or trade. philchasen@gmail or 516-922-2090. And please visit my website.
Parking is no problem because it’s free in a large lot, 1/2 a block away.
How about a post about how to value Galle or Daum Glass and a few words about defects to look for at auctions. Also an explanation about how the glass was made and why sometimes it becomes discolored would be very informative. Great blog. Thanks