Covid has played havoc with the scheduling of antique shows. The latest to announce a schedule change is U.S. Antique Shows. They are the promoters of the Original Miami Beach Antique Show. Originally scheduled for late January, 2021,the show has been postponed to mid-March, 2021. Following is the email from the promoter.
As you have already heard, in light of continued concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, including travel restrictions both domestically and internationally, as well as ongoing restrictions on large group gatherings, we’ve made the decision to postpone the annual Original Miami Beach Antique Show (OMBAS) to March of 2021. Originally slated to take place in late January, the new show dates are Friday, March 12 to Tuesday, March 16, allowing for a show that runs over the course of a full weekend.
As we move forward with our new dates, we have developed options for the funds invested in the January 2021 event. We’ve created a webform allowing you to rollover your exhibitor funds invested in Original Miami Beach Antique Show to March 2021.

My wife and I have decided not to exhibit at the show in 2021 as it is unlikely that things will have returned to normal even if the public were starting to be vaccinated. Our plans are to exhibit in Miami again in 2022. I am, however, very curious to know how the show will fare. How many exhibitors will be there? How many people will attend? Tune in in late winter for the answer.
My best guess is that the next show where we’ll exhibit will be in Baltimore in August, 2021. It’s really hard to say at this point.