There have been many developments this week regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19), so here are a few from my prospective.

The Chicago Antiques + Art + Design Show has been postponed until the fall. I was in contact with Rosemary Krieger, the promoter of the show, advising her that we will not be exhibiting this year. I also advised her not to run the show until the following year. She decided to go ahead with the show, but was forced to cancel because the venue, the Chicago Merchandise Mart, canceled all spring shows. Only time will tell if the spread of the virus will have abated enough to have a fall show, but I’m not optimistic. The only real solution will be a vaccine.
In other news, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has revealed that 68 percent of Democrats are worried that someone in their family could catch the virus, while just 40 percent of Republicans and 45 percent of independents share that concern. That’s an astonishing fact to me. How can something as scientific and factual as a virus become politicized? Facts used to be facts. Doesn’t seem that way anymore. I love my new tee shirt that says Science doesn’t care what you believe!
On the light side, click on this link to see how some Italians are dealing with the quarantine. (Scroll down to the videos and turn up the volume!)
I imagine that people will be at their computers a lot more than usual especially as older folks heed the advice to socially distance themselves. That sounds like an opportunity for me to list more items on my website and do some business. I will soon be unpacking lots of new items and listing them for sale on my site. Please take a look and let me know what interests you!
In the meantime, stay well!!