By the time you read this blog, we’ll be traveling to warm, sunny Miami for the opening of the Miami Antiques + Art + Design Show this Friday, January 18, 2019. It opens at 11 AM and closes on Sunday at 5 PM. The weather is predicted to be in the 70s for the next 10 days (except January 21 in the 60s). The show will feature over 200 premier exhibitors from the U.S., Canada, Europe and South America, offering the finest antiques and decorative arts. It’s a very high quality show that is worth a trip from anywhere in the world (and clients do fly in from as far as Japan).
We’ve had a few months to add some really great items to our already extensive inventory. You’ll be able to get first crack at them before the big, important Original Miami Beach Antiques Show the following week.

The show isn’t very big, but it is very high quality. The dealers who choose to exhibit at this show are dealers of distinction, with inventories to prove it. Try to make it to this show and also enjoy the great weather and the great food in some of the best restaurants in the country. You’ll be able to visit two shows for the price of one airline ticket.
Please stop by my booth and say hi!