Le Verre Francais Poissons vase, lot #754, Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates, Inc., January 30, 2010
Every category of item that I sell has its ups and downs. I’ve seen it again and again with Handel lamps, Louis Icart etchings, art glass shades, etc., etc. It doesn’t take a lot to move the prices in one direction or another. Right now the market in Le Verre Francais glass and Schneider glass is quiet. Historically there wasn’t much demand for quality Art Deco glass until 10 or 15 years ago. Then with the publications of a few books on the topic, some French Art Deco glass took off. Specifically I’m referring to the glass of Charles Schneider, that was sold under the name “Schneider” or “Le Verre Francais”. At one point, I couldn’t buy the glass fast enough. Now the market is taking a breather. In other words, many collectors have amassed their collections and are not adding to them significantly unless something special comes along.

Huge Le Verre Francais Palmiers bleus vase
Today, that something special vase came up for auction. Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates, Inc. of Mount Crawford, VA, sold lot #754, a Le Verre Francais Poissons vase, 8¾” tall. The pre-sale estimate was $1-2,000. Apparently they didn’t know what they had, as the vase sold for $9,945, including buyer’s premium, with two determined phone bidders pushing the price. Le Verre Francais vases with fish are considered to be amongst the best and rarest. This was a beautiful example with very good color.
The most desirable Le Verre Francais vases have animals, trees or geometric decorations. If they’re big or have unusual shapes, they’re even more valuable. Le Verre Francais vases with floral decoration are more common, but not lower in quality.

Le Verre Francais Orchidées vase
The quality of Le Verre Francais glass hasn’t changed, only the demand. Just a few new or old collectors opening their wallets will cause the prices to jump again. If you’ve ever thought of adding Le Verre Francais glass to your collection, it’s my strong recommendation that you look now. This is an especially good time, with an excellent supply of gorgeous vases and lower prices. Don’t look back on this time period and regret not having taken advantage.
I’m taking a lot of time to add new items to my website. I’ve already listed new items under Gallé glass (including a blownout vase), Daum Nancy glass and Tiffany Studios glass. Soon I’ll be adding many Tiffany Studios desk pieces. Please take a look, as every day I’m adding more. Click on this link chasenantiques.com.
Please send me your suggestions or questions about art glass, lamps, Louis Icart, shows, auctions, etc. If it’s interesting, I’ll answer your question in a future blog entry.
Call or write and let me know what you would like to buy, sell, or trade. philchasen@gmail.com or
516-922-2090. And please visit my website. chasenantiques.com
Hi Phil, Yes I waited all day with baited breath for this lot willing to go twice the estimate but hopes vanished quickly. Fantastic glass! Thanks for your blog and insight.
If you are indeed interested in buying, I have a 12 3/8″ Le Verre Francais Papillion vase that we have never before tried to sell. It was a wedding gift to my husband’s grandmother in 1928. It is almost identical to the stock #c4994 vase on the Valerio Galleries website, except the design on ours has the largest butterflies almost touching side-to-side on their wingtips, while Valerio’s has one above and one below.
We are considering going to the Baltimore antiques show on Sept 4-6 and could bring the vase if you would be there and be interested. I can send photos also. We live in the Norfolk, VA area. My telephone number is 757-846-7781.
Beth Richardson
I am one of your admirer on your glass reviews .
I am a collector of Le Verre Francaise Glass
I saw your review on Skiner auction # 3045B 20th century design sale date 12/14/2017 and there was no reference to Lot 191 Le Verre Francis Poissons
which is rear vase. In your blog I saw reference to the same vase, lot #754, Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates February 1, 2010. do you still think that the vasse at Skiner and there you mention that the vase is rare and beautiful with very good color. Is there any reason that you did not mention it.
skiner is
Sorry, this was a while ago and I have no recollection why I didn’t mention the LVF Poissons vase. I guess the other items were more interesting to me.