Yesterday I wanted to buy a rare Tiffany Favrile goblet on eBay, but at the time I thought the price was a little too high for me at $1,035. That’s a good price, even for a dealer, but I still didn’t buy it because I thought the color was blah. Now that I’m writing this blog, I realize I made a big mistake.

Only while writing this blog did I look closely at the signature, which includes the words “Special Exhibition”. That’s why it was unique. Ugh! Big mistake! I could have tripled my money.

It had a dark, pulled impurity in the stem, original to the making, but it wouldn’t have had any effect on its saleability.
Oh well. This isn’t the first time, nor will it be the last time I make a mistake. I just need to make fewer of them.
To view the goblet on eBay, click here.Let me know what interests you, even if you don’t see it on my website. I’ve got lots of items that I haven’t listed yet and I know how to locate what you desire.
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