Here are a few recent updates about antique shows.

The Baltimore Summer Antiques Show, which is usually held at the end of August, will this year become the Baltimore Fall Antiques Show, scheduled to take place some time in November. I’ll let you know when I find out the specifics. At the moment the Baltimore Convention Center is being used as a Covid field hospital where I assume they are administering vaccinations.

The Chicago Merchandise Mart show was canceled for 2021 and will return in the spring of 2022. Hopefully the world will have substantially returned to normal by then.

The promoters of the fall show in Winnetka, IL, sent out a dealer questionnaire. I replied that I would like to exhibit there in November. I guess we’ll have to wait for a decision from the promoters. So it’s a possibility.

I assume that by winter 2022, the Miami antique shows will be back in operation. Sure hope so. It’s a wonderful chance to do great business and escape the winter. I look forward to it every year, and missed it greatly this year.
Tune in for updated information.
The lamps are very nice. Nostalgia at its best. Museums and exhibitions can bring even more flair closer than books. I am also very keen to go to museums. Many greetings Paul