Hill Auction Gallery, Sunrise, FL, held a Cream of the Crop auction on October 28, 2020. The first 36 lots of the sale were items by Tiffany Studios, most of them by direct family descent from Loretta Roessle to the current owner. Mrs. Roessle (nee Reinmuth) was, with her sister, Mae Higgins (Reinmuth), a long time employee of Tiffany Studios. Some of the items generated serious interest.

The top result of the grouping went to #1, a Tiffany Furnaces box from the 1920s with blue iridescent pressed glass sides and top. Estimated to sell for $1,000 – $3,000, it realized an amazing $12,500, including buyer’s premium. I’ve sold boxes like this in the past for a maximum of $3,000, so needless to say, I was impressed.

Tiffany Tel el Amarna vases are characterized by an applied band with a zig zag decoration. Lot #17 was different than most in that the band was applied as a foot, whereas typical examples have the band applied as a collar at the top. This one also had two little applied handles and a strong blue-purple color to add to its appeal. It sold for $10,625, including buyer’s premium, against an estimate of $3,000 – $5,000.

Glazed Tiffany Favrile pottery vases are moderately rare, including this model of a trillium flower. Estimated to sell for $2,000 – $4,000, it realized $10,000, including buyer’s premium.
For the complete results of the sale, click <a href=”https://www.cottoneauctions.com/prices-realized/auction/fine-art-antiques-5?view=grid&PricesRealizedForm%5Border_field%5D=%60t%60.%60lot_number%60&PricesRealizedForm%5Border_direction%5D=ASC&PricesRealizedForm%5Bnum_per_page%5D=200“>here</a>.