If you haven’t noticed, the Tiffany lamp market is hot. I’m talking both about auction and private sales. Here are a few examples.

I can’t keep Tiffany lamps in inventory. I’m almost sold out of leaded lamps and trying to buy more has been futile recently. I had two serious inquiries on the same day for my Tiffany 15″ Spider table lamp. One client said he’s seriously interested and requested a few more pictures, which I agreed to. 10 minutes later another client said she’ll take the lamp, without requiring additional photos. I had to let the first client know it was sold. If I were him, I would have been suspicious, but strange things like that happen every once in a while (especially when the market is hot). There was absolutely no monkey business, just coincidence.
This past Saturday, I tried to buy a couple of Tiffany lamps at Cottone Auctions, Geneseo, NY. They held a Fine Art & Antiques sale, including several Tiffany lamps.

Lot #38 was a Tiffany 22″ diameter Peony table lamp. The colors were strong, but to my taste garish. I had no interest in the lamp. Regardless, it sold for $120,000, including buyer’s premium, against an estimate of $60,000 – $80,000.

I did try to buy lot #41, a strong example of the Jewel and Feather model, with superior color, mottling and condition. I figured I could sell the lamp in the $15,000 – $18,000 price range, so I bid accordingly. Estimated to sell for $7,000 – $10,000, it realized $21,600, including buyer’s premium. I can only assume a retail bidder was the final purchaser.
For the complete results of the sale, click <a href=”https://www.cottoneauctions.com/prices-realized/auction/fine-art-antiques-5?view=grid&PricesRealizedForm%5Border_field%5D=%60t%60.%60lot_number%60&PricesRealizedForm%5Border_direction%5D=ASC&PricesRealizedForm%5Bnum_per_page%5D=200“>here</a>.

I do have a fabulous Tiffany 18″ diameter Oak Leaf & Acorn table lamp for sale, as well as a fine Tiffany 16″ diameter Crocus table lamp and a 19″ diameter Linenfold lamp. If you’re interested in any of them, please let me know. I suspect they won’t last long.