No new post this week as we’re on vacation. Look for a new post next Monday.
Following is a contemporaneous account of the show.

Thursday, 9:30 PM. Thank goodness the preview party is over. They’re so awful. The dealers are wallpaper for a crowd that has no interest in buying anything. The attendees are there for the food, drink and a good time. We almost never sell anything at a preview party and this time was no different. On the flip side, the food was quite tasty and the drinks were good, so it wasn’t as torturous as usual.

Friday, 4:30 PM. It’s been an interesting day thus far. Attendance has been fairly light, but some of our good clients showed up. We had quite a few serious inquiries but only a couple of sales to this point. It’s a good start. We’re expecting good clients to show before the show closes today.
Friday, 7:00 PM. Opening day is over and we’re pleased. Our good clients showed up toward the end of the day and bought a few items, including a Tiffany Studios double student Linenfold table lamp.

Saturday, 12:30 PM. The day is off to a slow start after opening at 10 AM. There was almost no one through the door for the first hour. One of our good clients showed up, but no sales yet. We’re expecting our best clients later in the day.

Saturday, 5:00 PM. The show is closed today and we’re still optimistic. We made a couple of small sales, but our best clients decided to stay overnight and see us tomorrow. Got my fingers crossed it will go well.

Sunday, 1:30 PM. Our good clients came back to the show and made major purchases, including a Tiffany Peony Border floor lamp. Needless to say, we’re quite pleased. And we have another couple who has been back to the booth several times interested in Tiffany lamps. Hope something happens there.
Sunday, 4:00 PM. Whew! The show is over and it was a big success. The worst part was the high pressure waiting for clients to make up their minds. Our couple from the early afternoon decided to go home and think about a purchase. That usually, but not always, means no. Our established clients were the white knights, with no new blood this time. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining, just explaining. We had a fabulous show and look forward to next year.