If I post an entry every Monday to Friday, I’ve got to come up with over 250 posts per year, so I need ideas. Please suggest some to me. This one comes from my daughter, Nicole. She asked me to answer questions that are commonly asked of me at shows. I was asked this question on Sunday at the Redondo Beach Antiques Fair. “How can you tell an etching is authentic?”

Louis Icart pulling a proof of Joy of Life from the etching press
First you have to understand the process of producing an etching. The artist does his work on a copper plate, so the “original” is a copper plate and that’s rarely ever for sale. To produce the image, first the plate is hand-inked. Then the paper is laid down on top and the two pass together through the etching press, under tremendous pressure. The pressure transfers the image to the paper. Since the copper plate has thickness, it “dents” the paper around the edge of the image. This “dent” is called a plate impression. You can see it and feel it around the edge of the plate. So #1. A real etching has a plate impression.
Since the process is not photographic and there is no printing press, there are no dots in the image. If you use a magnifying glass to look at a photograph in a newspaper, you can see the entire image is made up of dots. Use a magnifying glass with an original etching and there are no dots. So #2. An authentic etching does not have any dots in the image.
After the edition is printed by the master printer, it is given back to the artist to hand-sign each one. Prints or other fakes have copies of the signature. So #3. Authentic etchings are hand-signed by the artist, usually in pencil.
In the case of Louis Icart, a raised seal called a blindstamp, was created in mid-1926, and is usually found in the lower left corner, just below the image. Most Icart images produced after this time have the blindstamp, but don’t use this information as a crutch. There are some fake etchings that have fake blindstamps. And conversely, there are many authentic Icart etchings that do not have a blindstamp. Supposedly the etchings without blindstamps were not for export from France, but personally I’ve found too many instances where this rule doesn’t seem to follow.
If you like my blog, please recommend it to others. Email me with your comments and suggestions. philchasen@gmail.com
I have a Louis Icart print of “Smoking Memories” It is numbered 170/1000 in pencil, with 2 embossed stamps. One is of the windmill with the word Paris, the other is embossed L.Icart on top of a circle with Paris embossed below. Within the circle are what appears to be a capital E and M. Ive read plenty about the windmill embossing but know nothing of the other. Can you give me any information on what kind of print I might have? Im guessing its a limited edition lithograph. But what of the 2 embossed stamps?
Sounds like you have an authentic etching. The windmill stamp is from the Louis Icart Society and the EM stamp is from Estampes Moderne, the printer. Let me know if you wish to sell it.
inquiring about an original etching by R. Lorrain, it has a paper on the back that states it is an original , proof taken from a copper plate etching. the plate each time hand inked, hand painted and pringting cone by had. published at a short limited edition, numbered and signed by the artist. Plate destroyed at the end from Paris France. Thank you
Edwina, I don’t see a question.
Thank You Philip for your expidicious reply. The thought of selling this item has crossed my mind a few times. When funds are low naturally. My Smoking Memories is in pristine shape as is the frame its in. What kind of price range do you think this item might be worth? If I can find a way to send you a photographic copy, I will. Yours Truly, TM Jalette
I wondering if there were any tell tale signs of the Lime Houses etching by Whistler I have one and haven’t taken it to a dealer just yet to see if it was authentic, I wanted to know if there was something I could look for to possibly save a trip or speed one up. Thank you
I know nothing about Whistler, so I can’t be of help. Best of luck.
I have a painting,on the back it has the book original etching,Published limited edition. by Dauphin.there is a signiture down on the right hand corner.and it looks like it is signed in pencil. what coulb it b worth.
I only have knowledge of the works of Louis Icart. I have no idea about Dauphin or any other artists.
Hi I have an etching originally painted by constable ‘ Dedham mill essex’ but cannot make out the artist who has copied it. Possibly “Elched J S Myers”
is it worth anything?
Sorry, no clue. You may want to join my wife’s Facebook group, Antiques Identified. Possibly someone could aid you.
Hi there is it possible for an etching to be authentic if it has the plate impression up to about 1cm from the edge of the print itself? I have two which have this, they also have pencil writing saying handpicked by ……. i can’t make out the name!
Mike, etchings are not prints. The plate impression is usually close to the image, so if you mean 1 cm. from the edge of the image, then yes, that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
Hello Philip, I have an Icart print or lithograph. It’s Coursing II, image size is: 13″ x 22″ on overall paper size 17″ x 24″. It has the signature printed on. It has in pencil 162/500. Has the embossed windmill Paris stamp to the left and also 2 round (1-1/2″ diameter) ink stamps (1-black ink & 1-red ink) that reads in capital letters PEINTURES A’ L’HUILE LOUIS L ICART and LI 1922 (middle of stamp). I tried to find a stamp like this, but could not. If the original was done in 1926 how does something get “stamped” that reads 1922? Thank you, Patty
Sorry, Patty, but I’m not sure what you have. It could be a print with “stamps”, in which case it has very little value. If it’s an etching, it’s worth a lot more. I would have to see photos to know for sure and then you would have to pay my $125 fee.
Thanks for your time Philip. This is not an etching (no plate marks) I was just wondering if you ever heard or seen these black & red circle stamp markings… I know it would hard to tell without actually seeing…
love your blog. Patty in North Palm Beach
I have seen circular stamps on some pictures. Sometimes they’re creations of people who want prints to look important.
Thanks again Philip, I thought so.
Hi I have a sketching/drawing of Westminster by Esther Willoughby who died in 1959. Do you know if any of her work is valuable?
Peter Harris
I am an expert in the works of Louis Icart. I have no idea of other artists.
I have a pencil etching of a sail boat called “coming about” by: Don Swann numbered A-208/300 Edition Limited 300 I am trying to see if it is worth anything?
I am an expert in the works of Louis Icart. I have no idea of other artists.
I have an Icart Little Bo Peep that is an original litho windmill pressed L I Paris. It is penciled signed. My question is its numbered A/215. Any info on this?
Many Icart etchings don’t have numbers at all. I’ve never been able to figure out Icart’s system. Some of the numbers were put there by framers and resellers, not Icart. To me, what’s important is the authenticity and quality of the etching. I could care less about the numbering. Sorry, but that’s as helpful as I can be.
So Icart just signed authentic lithos and the numbering was done by as you said, probably by framers or resellers. Good to know. Thank you for your response and information.
Some of the numbering of the original etchings, not lithos, was probably done by Icart.
I have an etching of a picture called the presence the original hangs in St Marys cathedral in Edinburgh and the artist is A E Bothwick dated 1910, it is signed and dated in pencil in the right hand corner, there is an oval shaped stamp in the left hand corner and I can make out the number 16 in the middle but can’t make out what the words say round it…. Can you tell me any thing about this an would love to know if it was worth anything
Thank you
I am an expert on the works of Louis Icart. I know very little about other artists. Good luck with your research.
I have an original etching on silk of Rubens wreath of fruit how can I get this authenticated?
I don’t know anyone to refer you to. You’ll just have to keep searching the Internet. Best. Philip
Hello, I have an original etching on silk of ‘wreath of fruits’ by Rubens I purchased from an estate sale. How can I get it authenticated and valued ?
I have an oval piece of a woman sitting with a white dog (Afghan I think) to her right.
The frame is oval white and looks like ivory. I haven’t found a signature yet and I’m not sure if it’s a print or etching. It all looks very original…
Thank you for your help.
Russell, I can’t tell a thing from your description. I would need photos and then there would be a $125 fee. Let me know if you wish to continue. Best. Philip
I have Symphony in Blue and I have Lady with Hydrangea I would like what they are worth I have had them for 35 years…..Elizabeth
I have Symphony in Blue and I have Lady with Hydrangea I would like what they are worth I have had them for 35 years…..Elizabeth
Elizabeth, either you can do research on the Internet or get an appraisal. My fee is $125 for the first item and $75 for each additional. Best. Philip
I have Symphony in Blue and I have Lady with Hydrangea I would like to know what they are worth, I have had them for 35 years…..Elizabeth
I inherited a bunch of etchings that are signed M Benary . I can’t locate any info on this artist. They are signed with an M in a circle and a number “46”
They are european scenes and buildings for the most part. Any info would be appreciated.
Dear Mr Phillips,
Recently, I stumbled upon your informative blog. I appreciate you offering your time and knowledge to educate myself and others.
My question regarding an etching print is would the “imprint” you mentioned not be evident if the print’s edges are trimmed? Please advise. Thank you!
I have a Louis Icart etching hand signed with blindstamp at the bottom. But the title is “Sopha” instead of “Le sofa” and also a numbered 191 without the other number usualy put under like 191/xxxx. Is this an original? Merci!
I could only tell from photos, not descriptions. My fee is $125.
I have a etching that I got at a yard sale and would like to know more about it.
Artist is F. Roth I just love the colours and would like to know more. On the back of the etching it says.
THIS ORIGINAL FRENCH ETCHING was made in the famous Latin Quarter of Paris, by the artistic whose name is shown on the margin, and who will not put his signature on any print that does not turn out to his satisfaction.
The numbers in margin shows order of printing and the quantity this limited edition is made in.
This pleasing picture is a combination of Line and Aquatint Etching, and the production of these pictures is all hand work, the line work being engraved through the acid resisting medium. Then the skies and softer portions of the picture being bitten in by acid applied with a brush over sandy ground.
The plate is then inked up by hand, in colors, and the impression pulled on a hand press.
These pictures are produced in engraving plates, inking and printing entirely by the artist himself, as not only is the engraving of the plate important, but the careful and artistic blending of the colors is essential to get a pleasing results.
there is a # on it as well. 5308 (don’t know what that means)
Could you direct me in the right direction?
Apparently you have an authentic etching, which is a good start. Unfortunately I know nothing about the artist, so you have to do more research. Best of luck.
We believe we have # 1/50 Mel Fowler etching titled “Musician and Muse.” We followed the description to see if it is an original. We are wanting to know its value.
I have no idea of the value of any artist’s works except Louis Icart.
Hello, I see someone is a Louis Icart collector/expert! I have two works of art that are amazing to say the least. They are pencil signed, embossed windmill, and have a copyright of 1933 in top right side. Also, you can see pencil markings, “raised paint”, markings (paint) outside of the margin and what appears to have a sheen to it! Your thoughts please.
Jeff, my fee for appraisals is $125 for the first object and $75 for each additional. Let me know if you wish to continue. Best. Philip
I have a Louis Icart etching “Blue Alcove”. It has a windmill blind stamp in the lower left margin and a copyright in the upper right margin as well as the signature. It also has a single number 2 just above the windmill. Is that number significant for this work or is it likely just a catalogue number ? Thanks
I’ve found that the numbering on Icart etchings isn’t significant. Sometimes they’re numbered, sometimes not. Sometimes in pencil, sometimes pen. Of all the many thousands of etchings I’ve sold over the years, the numbering was never a factor.
I just bought Venus by Louis Icart. It is signed and numbered 73 out of 730 and has “copyright 1928 L Icart parisan” at the top left of the oval. It is beautifully framed and I don’t wish to tear it apart to see if the blindstamp is there. Were any Icart etchings listed with copyright or were any numbered?