Monday’s post will be up by noon.

There was a crowd of a few hundred people at the opening of the Baltimore Summer Antiques Show on Thursday, August 29, 2019.
Following is a contemporaneous account of the show.

Thursday, 6 PM. Opening day is almost over and business was decent. All of our sales were French glass, either GallĂ© or Daum. It was a good start, but far from where we need to be to reach total average sales for the last few years. However, I’m cautiously optimistic as we usually get off to a slow start.

Friday, 4 PM. It’s been pretty busy today. We made several sales, again mostly French cameo glass by Daum. We also had good interest from several clients who we hope will return.
Friday, 7 PM. Things really slowed down toward the evening. There were a few questions, but no sales. Some of the people said they’d be back, but I’ve heard that many times before. We’ll see.

Saturday, 2:30 PM. Attendance has been really good today, as well as interest and sales. We sold a Tiffany floor lamp and a clock. We have another client who is likely to buy a different floor lamp. Funny how all the action today has shifted from French glass to Tiffany.

Saturday, 7 PM. 3/4 of the show is now in the books and the show is good. We added to today’s sales with a gorgeous Rookwood vase and another Tiffany floor lamp. If tomorrow goes well, the show will go from good to excellent.

Sunday, 3:30 PM. We’re having a very nice day today with the sales of two naughty Austrian bronzes, as well as a Daum vase and a GallĂ© vase. My guess is we won’t sell anything else until the show ends at 6 PM tonight, but stranger things have been known to happen.
Sunday, 7 PM. The show is over and we’re very pleased. And we did make another sale of a Daum vase. Whaddya know? Total sales were slightly less than last year, but net profit was about the same and last year was one of our best. This week I’ll be discussing the sale of a Tiffany Dragonfly lamp that a client saw at the show. If that happens, the show will be our best in years, maybe ever.
Next year’s show is moving up to the week before Labor Day. I think it’s a good move that I’m looking forward to.