Bonhams New York held a Modern Decorative Art + Design sale on June 7, 2019. Included in the sale were two Tiffany Studios lamps, the topic of today’s post.

Lot #12 was a huge Tiffany Studios Swirling Leaf floor lamp. It was moderately rare, but not terribly appealing nor important. This was one of those cases where the base probably had more value than the shade. Regardless, it sold near its high estimate of $90,000, realizing $106,325, including buyer’s premium — the fourth highest price paid at the sale. My guess is that someone had a more important shade and wanted the base for it, but that’s totally conjecture on my part.

Lot #6 was a 15″ diameter Spider table lamp on a complementary Mushroom base — a fairly desirable model. I had interest in the lamp until I found out that it had been completely repatinated. Regardless, it sold for approximately double its high estimate of $30,000, realizing $68,825 including buyer’s premium. My guess is that the bidders were unknowledgeable novices. Discriminating collectors just wouldn’t have bid.

The fifth highest price in the sale went to a gorgeous, Art Nouveau, mixed-metal, sterling silver, Tiffany & Co. water pitcher from 1880. It easily exceeded its estimate of $40,000 – $60,000, realizing $93,825 including buyer’s premium.
For the complete results of the sale, click here.