I’m so busy that I miss more than a few opportunities to buy good items at fair prices. Recently there have been several auctions where some really wonderful items sold for very good prices, but I missed many of them, including Bonham’s Modern Design | Art sale on April 24, 2019.

Lot #26 was a gorgeous, large, 24″ diameter, Duffner & Kimberly table lamp with intense red poppies, easily worth in the $15,000 – $20,000 range. It sold for $10,000, including buyer’s premium, against a pre-sale estimate of $3,000 – $5,000. It was incorrectly catalogued as a generic American table lamp.

Lot #5 was a high glaze Newcomb College ceramic plate with incised floral decoration, early, from 1913. It sold for $1,402, including buyer’s premium, below the pre-sale estimate of $1,500 – $2,000. I could have easily sold it for double, possibly more.

I was also interested in a very nice Grueby 2-color vase, Bonham’s lot #7. I wouldn’t have been the buyer as it sold for $13,825, including buyer’s premium, against a pre-sale estimate of $5,000 – $8,000.
For the complete results of the sale, click here.