We're starting to set-up at the Redondo Beach Antiques Show, 7/21/10
Apparently I ruffled a few feathers when I posted my last blog entry about the results of the Denver Antiques Show last weekend. I want to make a few things perfectly clear. I did not predict, nor do I desire, the failure of the show. Just the opposite. I wish for the show to get better and succeed. I stated that I personally did not do well and will not return. It is my strong contention that it is important for attendees of a show to buy from their favorite dealers in order for the show to remain viable. I wish the Denver Merchandise people the best of luck for their future success.

Hayden & Fandetta are setting up at the show with rare and fine books
At the moment, we’re in Los Angeles, setting up the Redondo Beach Antiques Show. It will be held this coming weekend, Friday-Sunday, July 23-25, 2010. The show is smaller this year, with mostly indoor exhibitors and a few outdoor ones. What is nice is that the show has many good quality dealers. Many of the lesser dealers have dropped out, but the ones that remain are solid. It’s definitely worth a trip to the show from the greater Los Angeles area. You’ll be very pleased with the dealers and the selection of fine items for sale.

Another of the fine dealers at the show
The mood here in LA is very good, so I’m cautiously optimistic that the results will be an improvement from the previous week. I’ll be reporting on the results this coming Monday or Tuesday. In the meantime, come visit me at the show to see the great items I’ve brought and take home something you like. You have personal control of the results.
I recently added over 10 Galle vases to my website, 7 Tiffany lamps, 1 Grueby vase, 1 Newcomb vase, Daum Nancy glass and a fabulous Burgun & Schverer internally decorated vase. This coming week, I’ll be adding many new items. Please take a look. Click on this link chasenantiques.com.
Please send me your comments or questions about art glass, lamps, Louis Icart, shows, auctions, etc. If it’s interesting, I’ll answer you in a future blog.