I was quite surprised by the quality of the food and the service. Michell was our fine waitress and tour guide as we passed various wineries. I expected cafeteria food but got gourmet, restaurant quality food. The special was ribeye steak, which was excellent. The pork chop was almost as good. I misread the details of the trip, so I thought the wine pairings were included in the cost, but unfortunately, they were additional. My wine, a Zinfandel blend, called “The Prisoner”, was excellent. I’ll be looking to buy more when we get back to NY. After lunch, we proceeded to another car where we got dessert and coffee. My brownie was delicious.
So, if you find yourself in the San Francisco area, looking for a day’s entertainment, I highly recommend the Wine Train. For $15 additional, there’s even a boat that takes you to the train directly from San Francisco. That would have been fun, had we actually started our journey from there.
Please send me your suggestions or questions about art glass, lamps, Louis Icart, shows, auctions, etc. If it’s interesting, I’ll answer your question in a future blog entry.
Call or write and let me know what you would like to buy, sell, or trade. philchasen@gmail or 516-922-2090. And please visit my website. chasenantiques.com